Disg4Ea Character Toxie
Toxicodendron "Toxie" Pubescens, aka Magical Marchioness M1911-A
Str 10
Con 12
Dex 18
Int 10
Wis 18
Cha 10
LV 2
HP 27 (Bloodied 13)
Surges 7 (Value 6)
Spd 6
AC 19
Fort 13
Ref 16
Wil 17
Race: Razorclaw Shifter (+2 Acrobatics/Stealth, Low-Light Vision)
Class: Ranger (Archer fighting style, Hunter's Quarry, Prime Shot)
Theme: Masked Lord (Magical Girl!)
=Feats=: Defensive Mobility, Superior Will, Bow Expertise, Greatbow Proficiency, Adamant Arrow Style
=Skills=: Nature +10, Perception +12, Dungeoneering +10, Acrobatics +12
==Twin Strike== (At-Will, Martial, Weapon, Standard Action, One or Two creatures. +9 vs AC, two attacks. Hit: 1d12+1 per attack.)
==Nimble Strike== (At-Will, Martial, Weapon, Standard Action. Shift 1 square before or after the attack. +9 vs AC, 1d12+5 damage, and Push target 1 square.)
==Fox's Cunning== (Encounter, Martial, Weapon, Immediate Reaction, Trigger: An enemy makes a melee attack against you. Attack: You can shift 1 square, then make a basic attack against that enemy with a +4 to attack.)
==Razorclaw Shifting== (Encounter, Minor Action, Must be Bloodied. Until the end of the encounter, your speed increases by 2, and you gain +1 to AC and Reflex)
==Create Lord's Armor== (Encounter, Minor Action, Personal: You instantly don +1 Magic Hide Armor that lasts until dismissed, it is removed from you, or you use this power again.)
==Invigorating Stride== (Encounter, Healing, Martial, Move Action. You shift 4 squares, but must not end the shift adjacent to any enemy. You can use your second wind.)
==Skirmishing Stance== (Daily, Martial, Stance, Minor Action. Until the stance ends, whenever you move at least 4 squares away from where you started your turn, you gain a +2 Power bonus to AC and Reflex until the start of your next turn, and your next attack before the end of your next turn deals 1d8 extra damage)
=Gear=: Duelist's GreatbowTwin Pistols +1 (+9 vs AC, 1d12+5 damage, and any hit gives an enemy -2 penalty to ranged and area attack rolls until the end of your next turn)