- where is the jail the PCs busted people out of?
- where is the compound the PCs attacked?
Mayor created law enforcement of Khan rule within the city.
the Dregs
- human gang on drugs to give them power "EZ"
Southpoint Slashers
- earned Khan acceptance by ratting out any supers
- in return they get weapons
- they carve out their area on the streets
the Aquarium
- Khan rest and relaxation spot
- "the Aquarium Project" - Khan scientists taking unrestricted experiments on humans to creat a new hybrid of aquatic slave race.
Conversion Camp=
- Drone making camp
- in a remote country side campus
- airfield
the Doghouse
- secret Khan laboratory
- focus on genetically engineered canines (other animals?)
- Canines: sniff out super energy signatures
Hybrobase 11
- p. 103
- a Khan Naval facility
Innov-8 Research
- A'Den a Khan scientist who wants out of the Khan regime. Doesn't believe in the Khan plans.
Rolling Hills Country Club
- Warlord Grypon's home
- secret remains of Cosmic Robot (p. 112)
East Point Insurgents
- Richard Lyons
- Khan fear if they kill him after having waited so long Eastpoint will explode in rebellion as a martyr.
- Benny's Pub & Pool: a secret meeting place of the Eastpoint Insurgents.
Cult of the Red Moon
- an Atlantean cult
- ritual spilling of blood of enemies to raise the Red God
- Red God is a spirit of vengence to clense the earth of alien
- led by an insane powerful Atlantean Magician called Samor
- Overshadow wants to examine him for possible use
- main contact is through: FC Library - Donald Wentworth
- there is also a hidden base under the Nautical Museaum
Neighborhood Watch
- in Tempest
- a minor super Jenna Jakes "the Watcher" leads and protects them
- "the Inventor", secret aka. Overshadow
- Murder Man
- they "own" southpoint
- stockpiled with pre-alien Weapons
- they've had their fill of supers
- Hippocratic Oath: a hospical that secretly helps aid the rebellion and injured supers
- near the docks, fresh shipments
- Willy the Fish: smuggler of Farmer's Market is secretly a Grue that came to Earth long ago.
- Fish is the most prolific smuggler in FC
- Fish's office is hidden in a literal maze of docks, equipment, boxes, etc...
- deals have been cut with the Mayor and Khan Warlords to get by easy
- Hardcore: female superhuman enforcer for Fish. Black Marketeer and occasional Freedom Fighter
the Handyman store
- owned and operated by Dorthy Summers
- the store aids rebels with supplies, weapons, explosives, and captured alien technology
- "the Handyman" store: Dorthy's trademark is the S.H.A.D.O.W. communication systems
- Mitch Powers, aka. "Hippocratic Oath" a one time super hero, now crippled.
Chick's Cafe
- Chick Abel runs this club
- neutral to customers
- allows resistance to meet but does NOT allow contraband trade
Trading Post
- the downtown Black Market
- ran by Morrie Smalls
the Hammer of Justice
- 1993 (??), trapped in the Terminus by Overshadow
- went insane / psychotic
- just got free a few months ago
- blames villains for the alien take over
- hunts and kills Super Villains and S.H.A.D.O.W. Cells
- has a group of fanatics that follow him
the American Anvil
- former sidekick of the Hammer
- now old and retired in a highrise living on his stock portfolio
the Watcher
- a minor super Jenna Jakes "the Watcher" of the Neighborhood Watch, leads and protects them
the Sleeper
- a double agent traitor
- aka. Edwin Rawls
- aka. the Chameleon former villain
- aka. the Shifter
- Longarm & Glaive (Cutter) were once in a S.H.A.D.O.W. Cell, when the cell was wiped out by Sleeper
Colonel Clone
- former villain
- in his secret identity he is a slumlord with an underground lair in his apt building
Longarm & Glaive
- Glaive, aka. the Cutter
- they are mercenary supers
- Longarm & Glaive (Cutter) were once in a S.H.A.D.O.W. Cell, when the cell was wiped out by Sleeper
Hardcore and the Fish
- Willy the Fish: smuggler of Farmer's Market is secretly a Grue that came to Earth long ago.
- Hardcore: female superhuman enforcer for Fish. Black Marketeer and occasional Freedom Fighter
Hippocratic Oath
- Mitch Powers, aka. "Hippocratic Oath" a one time super hero, now crippled.
Cosmic Robot
- Rolling Hills Country Club: Warlord Grypon's home
- secret remains of the Cosmic Robot are here
the Revenger
- maintains a network of resistance fighters on the FCU college campus
Fight Club
- Alien Bloodsport
- illegal in Khan eyes
- Warlord D'arb created this low powered supers arena
- "Inside Man" is a double agent helping the Khan, working for S.H.A.D.O.W.
- Benny's Pub & Pool: a secret meeting place of the Eastpoint Insurgents.
- Warehouse 23: on a little used pier, it houses a pair of mothballed Atlantean mini-submarines.
- "the Inventor", secret aka. Overshadow
- Ching Cho's Chinese Restaraunt: a secret entrance to the SHADOW complex
- "Inside Man" is a double agent helping the Khan, working for S.H.A.D.O.W. with the Fight Club
- Longarm & Glaive (Cutter) were once in a S.H.A.D.O.W. Cell, when the cell was wiped out by Sleeper
- "the Handyman" store: Dorthy's trademark is the S.H.A.D.O.W. communication systems