Kora'Vali nar Moreh
A PC for Mass_Effect:_The_Orpheus_Initiative
Concept: Enthusiastic Quarian Hacker
Virtue: Hope (Kora's optimistic nature stems from a firm belief it'll all work out for the best in the end.)
Vice: Greed (Mostly for information rather than material goods - it stems from "Why can't I see it if I want?")
Archetype: Infiltrator
Attributes Mental Intelligence 5 Wits 3 Resolve 2 Physical Strength 3 Dexterity 5 Stamina 2 Social Presence 3 Manipulation 2 Composure 2
Skills Mental Interfacing 5 (Hacking, Programming) Physical Assault 2 Athletics 2 Covert 4 (Security Systems) Firearms 5 (Sniper Rifles) Piloting 4 Stealth 3 Social Persuasion 2 (Charming) Socialize 2 Subterfuge 1
Merits Allies (Quarian) 3 Area of Expertise (Interfacing) Fast Reflexes 2 Fleet of Foot 1 Quick Draw Technophile (Security Systems) Technophile (Sniper Rifles)
Talents Passive - Espionage: An Infiltrator benefits from the 9-again rule on Stealth and Covert dice pools. Active - From the Shadows: Once per session, an Infiltrator can treat an attack against an unaware target as a rote action.
Combat Training Assault Training 3 Marksman: The character is a skilled marksman. Whenever the character takes at least one aim action with a weapon that has the 9-again trait (apart from shotguns), they benefit from the 8-again rule on the attack dice pool made with the aiming bonus. Sniper: The character has the patience and talent of a skilled sniper. After using the aim action and firing at a target, the character does not lose his aiming bonus as long as he continues to fire at the same target and does not have his line of sight to them broken. He may even continue to take further aim actions to increase his aiming bonus, subject to the usual +3 aiming bonus cap. Weapon Drill: Unloading, reloading and returning to the task of providing fire support is a well-oiled practice for the character. Reloading is a reflexive action as long as the replacement heat clip is to hand (such as in armour webbing or laid out within reach). Tech Interfacing 3 Interfacing Analysis: Advanced VI diagnostic routines grant the 9-again rule to all Interfacing skill checks, other than for the use of charged Interfacing programs. (Running) Lock-Hack: A common (and usually illegal) program for brute-forcing electronic locking systems, a Lock-Hack allows the character to attempt to open a lock as an extended Wits + Interfacing action with one roll representing one turn of work. The number of successes required depends on the quality of the lock in question. This is a crude electronic intrusion and will trigger alarms or alerts to the system, but it gets the job done quickly. (Charged) Overheat: Through a pre-prepared remote rapid hack VI, a weapon's heat sinks can be tampered with. As a reflexive action, roll Intelligence + Interfacing against a target with a penalty based on the largest weapon to be overheated (-1 for a pistol, -2 for a rifle) and a -1 penalty for each additional weapon to be overheated past the first. Success results in all targeted weapons overheating, expending the full capacity of their current heat clip. This program can even be used reflexive at the moment that a target is about to make an attack action, leaving them pulling the trigger for no effect, but suffers an additional -5 penalty for attempting the hack so fast. (Charged)
Size: 5 Defense: 3 Health: 8 Initiative: 9 Speed: 12 Willpower: 4
Gear: Heavy Sniper Rifle (3L 250/500/1000 Clip 5 ROF S Unwieldy, 9-Again, AP1), Heavy Pistol (1L 20/40/80 Clip 10 ROF S 9-again, AP1), Light Armour (Armour 2, Shields 7) w/ Armor Mod Onboard Targeting VI (Reduces any cover penalty to ranged attack rolls by 1), Tactical Network, Medi-Gel (3 Doses loaded into armor), Intrusion Omni-Tool (Library Size 4) (+2 equipment bonus to all attempts to hack or to use Interfacing Process programs.)