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Character Development

I am in the early part of setting the game up but i know a few things for people interested in thinking character development. For now i'll put that stuff here.

Characters maybe from Amber, Avalon, Rebma, Chaos, and possibly from Aztlan. Characters can have varied backgrounds and come from varied shadows with genealogy from these realms. Other realms include Mandalay, Bursain, Calmir, Paragon, and the Abyss.

Random has been king of Amber for 30 years. He has faced many challenges.

All standard powers will be available when realm appropriate. Chaosians must take shape-change. Amberites, Rebmans, and Avalonians better have a good reason for not taking Pattern and better squirrel away points for it.

Max good stuff is 5. Max bad stuff is 10. Stored points can be spent if dire need arises.

Players start off with 200 pips.