Arucg Mountainstone
A character in Companions of Imladril
Arucg Mountainstone
- Neutral Dwarf, Level 1
- XP: 125/2200
- Backstory: An wandering dwarf mercenary, looking for money to build himself a comfortable dwarven fortress.
- STR 10
- INT 12
- WIS 9
- DEX 10
- CON 14 ( +1)
- CHA 8
- HP: 9/9
- AC: 2
- Sword Attack: THAC0 19, 1d8
- Hand Axe Attack: THAC0 19, 1d6, 5-10' short (+1), 11-20 medium, 21-30 long (-1)
- Sling Attack: THAC0 19, 1d4, 5-40' short (+1), 41-80' medium, 81-160' long (-1)
- Movement: 60'
- Treasure-bearing movement: 30'
- Saves:
- Death Ray or Poison 8
- Magic Wands 9
- Paralysation or Petrification 10
- Dragon Breath 13
- Rod, Stave, or Spell: 12
Racial Abilities
- Speaks Common, Dwarvish, [Alignment], Gnomish, Kobold, and Goblin.
- Infravision to 60'.
- On a 1 or 2 on a 1d6, dwarves detect "slanting passages, traps, shifting walls, and new construction."
- 0 gp
- Hand Axe (1d6)
- Sling w/ 30 stones (1d4)
- Normal Sword (1d8)
- Plate Mail Armor (AC 3)
- Shield (AC -1)
- Backpack
- 4 days iron rations
- Tinder Box/Flint & Steel
- Water/wine skin
- Small sack
- 50' rope
- pouch of garlic
- 12 iron spikes
- scroll of protection from lycanthropes (from The Dark Cyst of Terror)