Umbral Domains: Dark Ages Fae Touched
Mages have Sorcerers, Vampires have Ghouls and Werewolves have Kinfolk. Each of these secondary groups has insights and abilities beyond those of mundane folk, but each also has greater limitations than their supernatural cousins.
What of the Fae though? In the modern World of Darkness fae/human offspring of similarly low power are called Kinain. However in the Dark Ages the fae are quite different and no provision for a comperable type of secondary entity is given.
This work attempts to remedy that discrepancy by providing characters who are not quite fae, but no longer quite human anymore:
Fae Touched
The union of a changeling and a mortal or two changeling often produces children with unusual qualities. While not fully Changelings yet such offspring may develop some of their parents supernatural abilities and are generally considered by mortals to be "Fae Touched".
But parentage is not the only path toward becomming a Changeling. Mortals, even adults, who remain under the enchantment and close supervision of a Fae patron for a year and a day may attain Fae stature as well. These also are considered "Fae Touched" while during the time before they get Sained.
These second sort of Fae touched
Anything that stops the
Either sort of fae touched are generally treated as the lowest possible level vassals in fae society, little better than mortals. Any additional respect and consideration afforded them is given entirely out of respect for their fae patron or parentage. Changelings have the most respect for the fae touched as many of them went through a similar stage themselves, and occasionally take on an older sibling role with respect to fae touched individuals.
Powers and Abilities
Changeling Parent (2-pt Merit)
One or more of your parents were Changelings and you have some small aspect of their power. You may take the Obvious Mein Feature merit and ranks in Kenning. If you can find a tutor you may also gain ranks in Gremayre, Weaving, and Dominions, as well as Cantrips. However, you may not yet gain ranks of Mists, undertake Unleashings, nor gain or spend points of Mists and Weaving. Your fae parent may take an interest (or meddle) in your life from time to time for better or worse.
Fae Retainer (2-pt Merit)
You are apprenticed to or work in the service of a Fae master. In his service you have been enchanted for some period of time longer than a month and shorter than a year. The benefits and restrictions of this merit are similar to that of the Changeling Parent merit except that you are beholden to your master until your saining or until he dies. If your master dies you retain any fae knowledges and abilities you have accumulated but must start the process over with a new master in order to become a true Changeling.
Obvious Mein Feature (1 or 2-pt Merit)
A character who is fae touched may gain up to two lesser features or one greater feature. Lesser features cost 1 point each while a greater feature costs 2 points. These costs include a penalty similar to the Unearthly Mein merit, which in turn means that the character can not hide their Mein without using the Day Dominion cantrip "Summer's Glammor".
Points spent on this Merit are returned if the character ever takes an Echo. If the character ever begins the Saining process to become an actual Changeling then the points spent on Obvious Meim Features may be subtracted from the cost of the first rank in Mists. Similarly when the character gets Sained she gains the ability to hide her Mein as well.