Gleeville:Nellie Paparteys

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  • Duty D8: Someone has to keep this crazy ship called "my family" floating...
  • Fame D4: _
  • Fairness D4: _
  • Love D4: _
  • Popularity D4: _
  • Truth D4: _


  • Leads
    • Warren Whitcomb D: _
    • Adam Chamberlain D: _
    • Lauren Grey D: _
    • Ashley Brown D: _
    • Amethyst Fitch D: _
    • Fiona Maxwell D: _
  • Features
    • Larry "Del" DelMasto D: _
    • Samantha Taylor D: _
    • Dani Shay D: _

Musical Range: Smoky-Voiced Siren

  • Specialties: Folksy "Chick-Rock" D8, _ D_
  • Stage Trick: Guitar Hero - Pay a plot point to step up or double a Specialty when playing guitar in a number.
  • Stage Trick: _
  • Stage Trick:
  • Limit: Out Here On My Own - Confident and comfortable accompanying herself on the guitar, Nellie feels exposed and tentative without it. Not being able to control the backing music herself causes second-guessing. Step up and Insecure or Afraid dice in the opposing pool.
  • Limit: Leave It All on the Stage - Sometimes music underscores your emotions so directly that it makes it difficult to perform. Step up any Insecure or Afraid dice in the opposing pool.


  • _ - _


  • License to Drive D4 - Nellie was left back a year in school before she figured out how to balance her chaotic home life with schoolwork, thus she's a year older than the rest of the sophomores which is embarrassing, sure, but also means she's the only kid in her year who can drive. Her vehicle is the family mini-van, which should fit the whole group if need be (once child seats are removed), but rarely has an appreciable amount of fuel in it. If you ask Nellie, "E" stands for "Enough," and she knows exactly how many miles she can drive after the warning light comes on.

(Roll your License to Drive die when you need transportation, now.)

    • D4: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal that you have access to a vehicle that (pick two): is big enough to fit everyone in your group, is located nearby, and has a full tank. Use it as a d8 Useful Detail for the rest of the scene.

  • Socially Invisible D4 - Nellie misses everything... dances, football games, every social event is a non-starter for her. Glee club is her first-ever extracurricular, even. She keeps to herself mostly, so a lot of people are only peripherally aware of her existence, except for that anomalous and trying period of time when her baby brother was presumed to be her son, which might even still persist as a rumor. Most of the people who know her at all chiefly remember her from when they were younger and social circles were smaller and less convoluted. (Roll your Socially Invisible die when you don't want to be noticed).
    • D4: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to make yourself the subject of public attention.




  • Origins: Livin' On A Prayer - Nellie is the eldest of nine children. While her father is nominally still in the picture (and her parents are still married), he breezes in to town a couple of times a year and throws everything into chaos before going back out on another tour, and never sends back any money like he always promises to. Mom works nights, which leaves Nellie doing a lot of the grunt work of raising her younger siblings since the only time Mom isn't at work or asleep is when all the kids are at school. (step up Duty x2).
  • Upbringing: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger - A few years after the divorce, Fi discovered that it happened because her mom was having an affair, and her dad found out about it because of something Fiona said. As a result, she blames herself for the divorce, and firmly believes that sometimes it's better to keep secrets (step up Truth).
  • Attitude: I Won't Give Up - Fiona joined both the Valkyries (the school's cheerleading squad) and the glee club in order to broaden her skills as a dancer. They offer her additional styles and moves that she can mix in with her more traditional ballet training, and let her get out of the studio and get some practice performing for an audience. It means several more hours of training and practice each week, but that's what it takes to get ahead.
  • Ambition: Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Fiona's determined to make it as a professional dancer.
  • Life-Changing Event: A Change Would Do You Good - During the summer, Fiona's dad came back into her life, suing her mom for custody. Fiona is very confused about it. On the one hand, she loves her mom, who has been nothing but supportive of her dreams. On the other, her dad was the one who got cheated on, he doesn't seem like a bad guy, and is it so wrong if he wants to be a part of her life? But he's not willing to settle for joint custody or visitation rights. (Step up Fame, step up Love.)