Ghostbusters Handbook

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FAQ: Can you use a trap more than once, if you 'miss' the first time

Answer: No harm, no foul. You simply close the trap and try again. a trap has internal power for five total entrapments, but the containment duration shortens considerably for each 'miss' use.

FAQ: If you have a possessed entity, do you need to destroy their physical avatars before you trap the spirit within?

Answer: Short and simple version.

1) Ghosts are composed of Psycho Kinetic Energy - PKE. 2) Proton packs and Traps are designed to attack, damage, and/or capture and contain PKE. 3) A ghost or other form of spectral energy that has 'possessed' an item, whether it be living or inanimate, cannot be captured until such time as it is freed or released or otherwise coaxed to turn the proton pack against the container, you'll destroy it - its why they couldn't use a proton pack or trap against Dana when she was possessed.