Vaults the Moon

The Marukani are known across the River Province and beyond for their skills at horse-breeding, but even among them the horses called Finest are a rare breed. Faster, stronger and smarter than any other, few Marukani own one of this blend of Battler and Swift stock, and they will part with them only under the rarest of circumstances. One such horse is Vaults the Moon, Storm of Amber's close friend and companion.
A powerful stallion, Vaults the Moon has a blend of roan-red and white hair run through with darker spots. These spots, one of the Finest's distinguishing characteristics, have given rise to the breed's nickname of "lepoard horse." Vaults the Moon also sports white on his forelegs, in a stripe on his face and, another mark of the Finest, in his eyes.
As befitting such a rare and magnificent beast, Vaults the Moon was not easily won. Originally in the stables of Song of the Silver Wind, the merchant gave the horse to Storm of Amber as a bride price in exchange for his sister, ??'s, hand in marriage. This was the beginning not only of Storm of Amber's friendship with Vaults the Moon but also with Song of the Silver Wind, whom he now calls "brother."
Even for one of the Finest, Vaults the Moon is an unusual creature. Essence-bound to Storm of Amber as the Exalt's familiar, the stallion will live as long as his master draws breath and, though his means of communication are limited, is as smart as any man. Storm of Amber has increased Moon's fine qualities even further through essence-infused training. It is a fair bet that there is no better horse in all of Creation.