Back Issue Bin - Arc 6

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most." Jack, Mandy, Arthur, Brian... they have come from passengers to social group to friends. But in this story arc they become ... normal.
- issue # 31:6 : "Goodbye Cruel World" , April 29, 2006.
- RECAP: ???
- issue # 32:6 : " ??? " , May 04, 2006.
- RECAP: So our intrepid Adventurers all headed to Seattle, Everyone wondered would mandy show? Dispite her telling Aurther shed be there her friends weer concerned for she alone found happiness in this weird alt world. Brian and Aurther an jack and marks flew in to the south of Seattle while Mandy chose north. After much bickering the boys stoped at urban outfitters and picked up some gears. Strangly no one in this world wanted to go to seattle or cared about it. Like there minds had been turned away from it. Hiways had been rerouted and big fenses declared "HAZARD" in ominous yellow letters.
The boys met up with Mandy in hicksvile just outside of shadowlake park and made there way to the fence, after a bit or work the group began bush wacking there way through. It was jungle lush with forest growth and we climbed trees to see where we weer going planning on heading to the Celera facility.. As we trooped through the woods we encountered a giant bear trap. We decided to travel more cautiously letting Aurther lead. We passed where Celera should have been and it wasn't there only forest. We encountered a bear that wasn't nearly afraid of people as it should have been. Luckly it got bored with us and decided to leave. We became aware of a distant logging camp.. Aurther encountered a man from the camp out hunting bears. And we realized we weernt in Kansas anymore. When we tried to follow our trail back to the fence we found the fence and civilization gone.. we stowed mandys bike by the lake and decided to head for what should be downtown Seattle. As we walked we encountered farms and people datting from the early 1900's someone saw a model-t. we saw smith tower still being constructed. Due to a clever thought on Brians part and some fast talking he was able to convince the local University administrator that he was a professor on his way to visit Vancouver who had ended up out of sorts here in Seattle.. there was only one twist... The Admin wants brian to give a Lecture on...
Modern History of 1918 DUN DUN DUN!!!
- RECAP: So our intrepid Adventurers all headed to Seattle, Everyone wondered would mandy show? Dispite her telling Aurther shed be there her friends weer concerned for she alone found happiness in this weird alt world. Brian and Aurther an jack and marks flew in to the south of Seattle while Mandy chose north. After much bickering the boys stoped at urban outfitters and picked up some gears. Strangly no one in this world wanted to go to seattle or cared about it. Like there minds had been turned away from it. Hiways had been rerouted and big fenses declared "HAZARD" in ominous yellow letters.
- Game Called: May 11, 2006, We still gathered, Kevin needed a week off - We played Board Games!
- Game Called: May 18, 2006, Planned to go to Davinci Code, unfortundately it was cancelled last minute.
- Game Called: May 25, 2006, Jason was busy with class work.
- Game Called: June 1, 2006, Game Maintenace day, talking about Dede quitting the group for awhile.
- issue # 33:6 : "Altered States" , June 8, 2006.
- RECAP: This weeks issue begins after a long break in play. It opens with Brian giving his speech about politics and sunscreen. As Brian enraptures the audience, the others are noticing things amiss. Arthur notices a girl in the crowd with a haircut almost a century premature, then joins Mandy do go visit a suddenly appearing aquaintance from the future...Beth. Jack joins them just in time to see Beth whisper into Mandy's ear and see her go dead. Arthur and Jack immediately hustle Mandy's body and Beth into a side room to freak out inprivate. Beth is very unhelpful in explaining, except saying that Mandy wasn't supposed to be here. Meanwhile, Brian finishs his speech and is accosted by students and staff alike, all wanting to shmooze with the charismatic young professor. The last of which is a comely young woman dressed in deffinately modern ideas of appropiate clothing. She chides Brian for ignoring her signs telling everybody to stay out of Seattle. After some banter and swagger back and forth the girl clenches her fist and slams Brian into the wall with apparently the power of her mind alone. Her power play is interupted by Marx's timely intervention with his usual tact, aka. a gun to the head. Jack and Arthur emerge from the back office just in time to see all of this occur. As Jack approaches, Arthur fades among the seats and starts sneaking up. After further banter, the girl declares that she is going to have to kill us all and snaps her fingers at Jack saying "Die!!" As Jack's brain starts to hemmorage, Arthur gets in a suprise blow that knocks her unconscious. <To be Continued>
- Back Issue Bin - Arc 1: IN GOD WE TRUST
- Back Issue Bin - Arc 2: HOMECOMINGS
- Back Issue Bin - Arc 3: AMERICA'S MOST WANTED
- Back Issue Bin - Arc 4: HIGH COSTS OF WINNING
- Back Issue Bin - Arc 6: AMERICAN NIGHTMARE