Xiu Wong

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Xiu Wong
First Episode Game 01
Concept Runaway Academy Kid
Theme Song '
Played By '
Full Name Xiu Wong
Legal Status
Known Aliases N/A
Favored Weapon



AGL d8
STR d6
VIT d4
ALT d10
INT d10
WIL d4


Life Points: (Vit + Wil) = 8
Initiative: (Agl + Alt) = 18
Burst of Strength: Str + Str
Out of Harm's Way: Agl + Alt
Long Haul: Str + Vit
Memorize: Int + Alt
Recall: Int + Wil
Resist: Vit + Vit


Innate Defense: (Agl w/ +2 step bonus)
Block: (Agl + Skill)
Dodge: (Agl + Athl/Dodge)
All Out Defense: +2 Skill step bonus
Aim: +1 step/turn
All Out Offence: +2 Skill step bonus
Disarm: -2 Melee; -4 Ranged
Feint: Opposed Roll, defender's loss = Innate Only
Base Movement: 15
Walk: 0 Actions
Hustle: 1 Action, Base Mov't x2
Run: 2 Actions, Hustle + Agl + Athletics/Running


(Adv pt cost = number of new die. i.e d6 to d8 = 8 pts)
Athletics d6
Covert d6

  • Slight d8

Craft d6
Discipline d6
Knowledge d6
Mech. Engingeering d6

  • Repairs d8

Medical Expertise d6
Perception d6
Tech. Egnineering d4
Guns d6

  • Pistol d10

Heavy Weapons d4


(Buy off: Minor = 8pts, Major = 16pts)
Deadly Enemy: GM
Superstitious: omens ±2 (GM rnds)
Traumatic Flashes: frozen for 2 rounds, -2 for 10 r
Twitchy (BDH):-2 Int, paranoia


Math Whiz: +2 Int (Account, Engine, Nav)(minor)
Highly Educated: +2 Int & Kn Recall (minor)
Mech Emp: +2 Mech Engine Repair, pp (minor)
Talented: +2 Skill, pts. -2 ea. (major)

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