Rachel McAlister

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{{FFChar| CrewPosition=Rachel McAlister - Pilot| Image=| First=Pilot Episode| Theme=| actor=Katharine Ross| Full Name= Rachel McAlister| Identity= Core Citizen| Aliases= N/A| Age=60| Birthplace=Constance| FavoredWeapon=N/A| PhysicalDie= D6| MentalDie=D10| SocialDie=D8| Role=[[Firefly Distinctions#Experienced Pilot|Experienced Pilot}}
Watch This: Create or Step Up a D8 complication on another ship either in pursuit or evading you. Create a complication D6 complication for yourself.| Background=Seen it All
You Old rascal:Step up an Asset to D8 in the form of an acquaintance, friend, or lover from your past. | Personality=Still Flyin| Skills=Craft D4, Drive D4, Fight D4, Fix D4, Fly D12 (Transports d6), Focus D10, Influence D10 (Calming Influence d6), Know D6 (Space Ports d6), Labor D4, Move D4, Notice D6, Operate D10 (Ship's Systems d6), Perform D4, Shoot D4, Sneak D4, Survive D6, Throw D4, Treat D4, Trick D4| SigAssets= Delilah D8| }}


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