Race: 1/2 Wood Elf
Class: Druid
Str 11
Int 13
Wis 19
Dex 11
Con 12
Cha 15
Com 14
HP: 43
GP: 400
Age: 46
Alignment: TN
Magical Items
Staff of Striking
Ring of Protection +3
Potions of Climbing, Flying, Extra-Healing, Polymorph (Self)
Ring of Mammal Control
Leather armor
Brown wollen robes and hooded cloak, rough.
Soft leather boots
Large leather shoulder sack with some bread, cheese, spell components, and a skin of good wine. Also a small sewing kit, good for clothes or people. Sling and 12 bullets. Flint and Steel.
Old female wolf, "Maggie"
Two functional camp knives
Weapon Proficencies =
Staff, knife, sling
+3 1st, +2 2nd, +1 3rd, +1 4th
1st 7
Animal Friendship
Entangle (x2)
Farie Fire (x2)
Locate Animal
Speak with animals
2nd 6
Cure Light Wounds (x3)
Fire Trap
Warp Wood
3rd 4
Call Lightening
Cure Disease
Neutralize Poison
Stone Shape
4th 3
Cure Serious Wounds (x2)
Speak with Plants
Cause Fear, Charm Person, Command, Friends, Hypnotism
Charm spells cast by any creature associated with woodlands. Dryads, nypmhs, sylphs, etc.
30% resist sleep and charm
Change for 3x day (reptile, bird, mammal) Size from bullfrog to black bear (2x size of druid). Each change removed 10-60% of any hit point damage druid has taken.
Druidic, TN, Common, Elvish, Gnome, halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orcish, gnoll Treeent, Dryad, Green Dragon, Hill Giant, Manticore, Lizardman
Special Abilities
ID Plant, animal, pure water
Pass through overgrown areas
60' Infravision
Secret doors 1 in 6 pass by, 2 in 6 search. 3 in 6 concealed door.