I have been enjoying PbP more than I expected. Of course, it may also be that I don't have a Face to Face group...
My game history goes back...err...a long time. I played Basic D&D before AD&D came out. My first issue of "The Dragon" magazine was #41, I think. Hmm...interesting link to "Old Dragon Index".
Since I only play in a couple or three games at a time I tend to get a bit bored with waiting on everyone else and I start writing fan fiction about my characters. In that several of the games I've been in have tanked, I've got lots of writing options.
My current efforts are around Swift_General_Jing_Li and Marco_Domici. Past efforts have been about Branch_47/Leo, AK-763, Angelo_Domici, Pleasant_Rain:_Character, and Vidkun_Trost. Other characters have come and gone, but those have at least a little fiction in them. I turned Leo into a successful NaNoWriMo effort.