Celera Database information
The following are Q&A regarding the research data and Celera Database downloaded by Merlin in issue #35. Information is given in short segments in which the players (Cat & crew) gave questions as to what they'd like to know that might be in the Celera Database...
What experiments were done on the Survivors of AA Flight 283 while unconcious?
No experiments directly.
Samples were taken for research but no direct experiments on your bodies. The phenominon of them being alive was both confusing and excilerating the the surgeons and technicians on staff. According to electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings and polysomnography the Survivors went first from True Delta unconciousness - often described as the deepest stage of sleep; it is exceedingly difficult to wake a subject in this state. This is the stage in which night terrors, bedwetting, and sleepwalking occur. To the "sleep spindles" and "K-complexes" - with lowered EMG, and no conscious awareness of the external environment.
Were the Survivors of AA Flight 283 indeed drugged into comas?
No. Not as far as Seattle Genetics (of Celera) could determine. The induced sleep, now being referred to as the gestation phase was evident when FEMA released initial data and the bodies of the Survivors of AA Flight 283.
Does Celera have data on how to enhance existing godlike powers, or repress them?
No, not fully at this time.
Soon after the evidence of Godlike abilities, this was one of the key elements the US Government directed them toward. No conclusive segment has been developed at this time.
What was the process by which Survivor #59 - Maggie Young's powers were transferred?
The process was developed by the doctors I'd given earlier (don't have their two names on me!) and is referred to as the Vector Process. The vector is seemingly what you refer to as Godlike Energy - believed to be an organism that does not cause disease itself but which spreads infection by conveying pathogens from one host to another. Species of mosquito, for example, serve as vectors for the deadly disease Malaria. This sense of "biological vector" is the primary one in epidemiology and in common speech.
(Previous to the Maggie Young effort) In theory with regards to gene therapy, Godlike energy itself may serve as a vector, if it has been re-engineered and is used to deliver a gene to its target cell. A "vector" in this sense is a vehicle for delivering genetic material such as DNA to a cell.
This DNA by itself may be regarded as a vector, in this example particular when it was used for cell transformation. A vector in this sense is a DNA construct, such as a plasmid or a bacterial artificial chromosome, that contains an origin of replication. An appropriate replication origin causes a cell to copy the construct along with the cell's chromosomes and to pass it along to its progeny. A single cell that has been transformed with a vector will grow into an entire culture of cells, which all contain the vector, as well as any gene attached to it within the construct. Because the constructs can be extracted from the cells by purification techniques, transformation with a vector is a way of making a small number of DNA molecules in to a much larger one.
Hence, the transference of abilities.
If this is the case scientists had planned to observe Maggie while induced into a new Godlike gestation phase again. Following the experiment assuming it's successful the subject could retain the vector as well. Though they had been asked to erradicate it by the parent and guardians.
Has Celera researched the different signatures of Godlike Energy and made any progress on using them to idenitify what powers are, ie. signatures that run to a certain color will be a certain type of power?
Unfortunately non-godlike technicians do not / can not view the Godlike Energy phenominon on the level that Jack (and other survivors?) can.
The only evidence they have are the changes to the body, first talked about in the papers originally posted for determining that Godlike were in fact not human any longer (somewhere on the wiki?) and also the Vector process that they've just learned to manipulate, effectively only pushing it around... And in Milos/Maggie's case forcing Milos' Vector to attract and replicate Maggie's.
Does Celera have any information or theories on what happened to cause this in the Survivors of AA Flight 283 ?
This is theoretical medicine based only on the data they've collected.
Something foreign was delivered into the Survivors of AA Flight 283, what that is or where it came from is unknown. Psychologists are also theorizing that it may NOT simply be genetic but must also have been "activated" by the subjects' psychosis.
Does Celera record any research on the relationship between Godlike Power and Promethium?
That is not handled by Celera.
The first awareness of Prometium they had was when the deceased "survivors" were brought to Celera only a few weeks prior. They had also been previously unaware of these deceased or the animals.
Dossieres on various Survivors of AA Flight 283?
This will be literally case by case.
I obviously don't want to give it all away - because I create the new ones for plot purposes. If in-game you want to research something on a Survivor, I'll have you roll (an easy) check to get the info at that time.
Any information on what various Survivors of AA Flight 283 powers are or speculations on what powers certain survivers might manifest?
They were/are in negotiations with 13 survivors to contract them for full testing but this program is just being set.
What sort of genetic changes occurred within the Survivors of AA Flight 283 if any?
See above.
Ask more specific questions for more.
Was the supposed "Supervirus" threat they proposed based in any factual research if so what is left?
Yes. It was based on the first experiments of trying to re-create the Godlike Energy (Vector). The genetic material available for this testing was brought to them by FEMA. It is now assumed that this biological material was taken from either the animals or the "deceased survivors" - It went sour.
Ask in person for a PRIVATE LOG on this subject. I will try to type it up for the game this week.
Has Celera made any progress/breakthroughs in the theories of what is referred to as "Godlike Physics" that Merlin hasn't?
Godlike Physics is the loose term for all Godlike Sciences. All of the above is the specific areas of research that Celera studies. There are other departments within FEMA's contractors that have other research and theories.
The Lucidity Institute is a primary example.
Who were the primary research scientists incharge of the Survivors of AA Flight 283. Did any of them or there assistants or nurses quit or get dismissed during the Survivors time at Celera?
I will try to have this info available at the game.
I will have YOU roll a D20 at game to determine if any quit, etc...
Do any employee records show people who might be more sympathetic to our cause then loyal to Celera who might have bene in positions to have useful information/aid for the Survivors of AA Flight 283?
That's not really information that would be in the databases.
It is obvious from the report writing that most of the scientists at Celera were doing this for the fascinating work, eager to do it. This new field of science. So there was never any real negative intent as you can read from the files.
Directors and Management however do not file files in the areas you acquired...
What other attempts to change and manipulate Godlike Energy are documented?
Outlines for working on the "deceased survovors" are evident but have not been implemented. Animal research was planned, both on the Godlike animals and on hosting non-Godlike animals with the Vector.
This is a brand new science.
Celera personel are some of the best in the world in these areas and they were still learning to crawl. Now they will have been faced with further set-backs with Seattle's events and the lose of their subjects.