Trouble in Below Town

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A 50 Fathoms Game run by Desert Fox




Robert Shay

Diego Montoya

Other Crew

Prizefighter Bill. A shaven-headed English sailor who worked as a prize-fighter. Standard pirate with 1d8 fighting and +1 toughness.
Hunter. A relaxed-looking doreen who looks lithe and competent. Worked as a 'Nightswimmer'. Standard doreen with d8 stealth.
Pedro. A grizzled old Spaniard, who only speaks Spanish and poor Masquani. Standard sailor with d8 repair (ship's carpenter)
Xothos. A one –armed scurrilion, now the quarter master of the ship. Standard scurrilion.

Other NPCs (all standard pirates):
English sailor. Shot in the battle against Shark's Rockies, but recovered.
Spanish sailor
Masquani sailor
Doreen (later Chinese!) sailor

Ship's Coffer

Cash = 975 PoE

  • Excellent local sea charts (Around Below Town)
  • Magically shifting local sea-charts (+2 for boating around Taratos and the Whip Islands)
  • Captain Galley (15 Bottle Fine wine and 3 flasks of rare pre-flood Ograpog liquor)


Nelly's Folly

Ship Size Comparision

New Ship Stats


Below Town and Environs