Trouble in Below Town
A 50 Fathoms Game run by Desert Fox
Other Crew
Prizefighter Bill. A shaven-headed English sailor who worked as a prize-fighter. Standard pirate with 1d8 fighting and +1 toughness.
Hunter. A relaxed-looking doreen who looks lithe and competent. Worked as a 'Nightswimmer'. Standard doreen with d8 stealth.
Pedro. A grizzled old Spaniard, who only speaks Spanish and poor Masquani. Standard sailor with d8 repair (ship's carpenter)
Xothos. A one –armed scurrilion, now the quarter master of the ship. Standard scurrilion.
Other NPCs (all standard pirates):
English sailor. Shot in the battle against Shark's Rockies, but recovered.
Spanish sailor
Masquani sailor
Doreen (later Chinese!) sailor
A Marching Order for Smugglers' Tunnels, Pirate Caves and the like
Hunter, stealthy doreen scout. Wears a (Xothos-made) sputtering whale-oil lamp attached to an iron band on his forehead.
Galamos can cast spells one-handedly so walks second carrying a lantern.
Diego, with both weapons drawn
Shay, with both weapons drawn
Skort, ever the resourceful grael, takes the rearguard, trusting in Cap'n Ziggy to help him watch the crew's back. His Axe is well at hand and he has replaced his trusty belaying pin with a stout pitch and whale blubber torch. The torch is a favored object in the cold darkness of Arfk nights. It provides light and in a pinch can still beat someone about the head and neck.
Ship's Coffer
Cash = 975 PoE
- Excellent local sea charts (Around Below Town)
- Magically shifting local sea-charts (+2 for boating around Taratos and the Whip Islands)
- Captain Galley (15 Bottle Fine wine and 3 flasks of rare pre-flood Ograpog liquor)