In project Wide-Awake, a group of posters sign-up for a play-by-post adventure on RPG.net only find themselves transported to the land of Varan-torath. They no longer inhabit their own bodies but those of fallen heroes brought back to life by the mysterious Oracle.
Together, they set out to explore this strange, new land and defeat the evil Wardon Kain.

Campaign Set-Up
Wide-Awake is a sandbox 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons campaign run by Aurvandil that began in September 2014. In it, the players are transferred into the bodies of DnD characters. They possess the powers and skills of these heroes but lack their memories. All recall the injustices inflicted upon their host body by Wardon Kain, the man they've apparently been summoned to defeat.
House Rules
Plot Points: A players start with one plot point. They can spend it to affect the world in numerous ways, such as to set up a scene, discover something important, or receive a last-second save. Aurvandil may issue plot points for impressive or useful action.
The points refresh once everyone has used theirs.
For PCs with full BABs: Critical chance is doubled. Criticals always confirm and do max damage. Crit chance can be improved by things like keen edge, etc. BAB is added for the attack to damage.
For Psionic Warrior:
- Swift Focus: Gain Psionic Focus as a Move action; as a Swift action with Psionic Meditation feat.
- Lingering Focus: If Psionic Focus is expended to augment an attack, all attacks made as part of a Full Attack action are augmented as well.
- Autoreinforcement: May manifest self-targeted Psionic Warrior powers as a Move action instead of a Standard action.
For War Mind:
- Martial Power: Add War Mind level to weapon attack damage.
- Mindcutter: May expend Psionic Focus to augment an attack to ignore target's DR.
- Oportunistic Manifestation: When the War Mind scores a Critical Hit, may use a War Mind power as an Immediate action.
- Mental Bulwark: If the War Mind takes a Critical Hit, they may expend their Psionic Focus as an Immediate action to negate the critical.
Player Characters
Alice Sara has found herself in the body of Asra Usagy, a female Elan psychic warrior.
hippokrene, aka Maria, is now in the body of Bitha Abt, a female flind and favored soul. Flinds are smaller gnolls with handsome features. Bitha is missing one eye and her fur is mottled red and black.
Metal Fatigue is now Dakon Nain, a male Human wizard who specializes in transmutation.
13thapoc is Sakura Stormborne, a female Tiefling swashbuckler.
Stattick finds he's now Belle g’p Phrood, a female Half Ogre fighter.
Harrowed is Elden Vane, a male Half-Vampire fighter.
tomas is now Yngols Syc, a male High Elf ranger.
Mitch is now Cardamon Three-leaved, a female Pixie spellthief.
TigerWolfe's body is Max Bolt, a Male Deep Halfling who is a WarMage.
Non-Player Characters
Wardon Kain
Wardon Kain is a teifling prince who fathered Elden Vane and Dakon Nain, sold Belle g’p Phrood's mother to the orges, had Bitha Abt tortured, and destroyed Max Bolt's village. He wields the soul-stealing blade Mouringstar.
Warden Kain's Lieutenants are the half-orc Grizelda, the one-eyed gnoll Alsi Slepo, and the depraved mage Johannes Preste. Grizelda was banished to the Abyss by the Oracle.
The Oracle summoned players to this world and restored the fellowship to life. We know not why. She may be dead.
The faerie queen has added us in the past. Jonathon Clever, the Goblin's Hammer, is Yngols' intelligent blade.
Kird Aangmor is the god of the sun, justice, war, and flowers.
Daroomil is the god of fate. Belle has sworn an oath upon is altar to kill Wardon Kain.
Loviava is the goddess of pain and fate. Served by the priestess Kal Jaga.
Setting information
The world of Varan-torath has two moons. We're on continental peninsula of Zaran. Thus far we know of the coastal ruins of the aboleth city Greybezoar to the east and Mount Atlas to the north.
Elden Vane is from Eru-Ume, a haunted city on the blighted coast.
Yngols Syc and Cardamon are both from the court of Morningstar, which is ruled by a faerie queen.