Marco Domici
Marco Domici: A Glowing Report
Marco Domici: Head of the Class
Marco Domici: Double Barium on the Rocks
Marco Domici: Radio Malfunction
Marco Domici: With the chaplain
Marco Domici: A Personal Message
Stats and Basics
Lance Sergeant Marco Domici 22 Year old Domici Male
UPP: 78A885
Medal for Conspicous Gallantry
Combat Ribbons (2)
Commendation - Lifesaving
Notes: Muster out roll was a 2, +2 Int. Already in UPP.
Survive, promotion, no comission. No forced reenlistment.
Temporary Skill/Stat: Gun Combat (Laser Carbine) and Dex. Skill marked (T), Stat increased in UPP.
Need to spend Cr 100,000 in gear. Still in progress
Admin 0
Blade Combat 1
Brawling 1
Computer 0
Electronic 0
Gambling 0
Gun Cbt (Energy Weapons) 1/2 (T)
Leader 0
Medical 0
Mechanical 0
Tactics 0
Vacc Suit 1
Vehicle 0
Combat armor (Cr 20,000)
Laser Carbine, two energy packs, electronic sights (Cr 6,000, Wt 12,500)
Cutlass (Cr 100, Wt 1250 )
Dagger (Cr 10, Wt (250))
Term 1, in short:
Year 1: Basic and AIT
Year 2: Space Ops school - Vacc Suit 1, Promotion - E2
Year 3: Garrison, Promotion - E3
Year 4: Had a slot for OCS but bounced for a counter Raid on enemy forces. MCG awarded as well as a natural "12" on the promotion roll. E4
Marco Domici: Irene Pace Lance Corporal Irene Pace (BAB749) (age 21) Gun Combat-1 [Support Weapons], Vacc Suit-1 [Battledress]
Captain/Force Commander (??) Marco Domici: Quincy Cochran (9B757B) - (age 23)
Vacc Suit-1, Heavy Weapon-1
Physical Description:
Tall (1.9 meters / 6"2") but slightly plump with an angular face, small nose, white skin, hazel eyes and wavy brown hair with a fashionable mustache.
His black commando uniform is perfectly pressed and custom tailored with accents that mimic current civilian fashions.
He is often seen smoking some electronic pipe burning some exotic plant ... It appears to be quite fashionable, but most people find the smell objectionable.
Personality: Dislikes any negativism and he hates to just theorize. He prefers to make a quick observation, reach a quick decision and take decisive action. Strongly convinced that he is right and all naysayers are wrong, he can be very blunt and comes across as aloof. Willing to take risks, he is indifferent to the danger to others his preferred actions may cause. Seldom alone, he is friendly and socializes with his Peers (Soc A+).
Personal Life: An 'enlightened' man, he firmly believes himself superior to everyone he meets and is convinced that his star is on the rise. He places considerable effort into maintaining his personal appearance. He is unhappy that he has not been made an officer yet, complaining to whoever will listen and offering excuses about how the men under his command are the reason for it. Quincy was born to a wealthy family and married a wife of even higher social connections. He is devoted to his family and considers the use of social contacts to advance in your career a natural result of superior breeding ... "the cream naturally rises to the top".
Career: Term 1: [Y1] Basic/AIT; Private [E1] [Y2] Staff - Ctr Ins [Combat Ribbon]; Lance Corporal [E2] [Y3] Special [Commando School] - no skills awarded [Y4] Command - Ctr Ins [Combat Command Ribbon]; Corporal [E3]
Term 2: [Y1] Staff - Ship Troop; Decorated (MCUF); No Promotion [Y2] Command - Garr; Lance Sergeant [E4] ... this year. [Y3] OCS - Second Lieutenant [O1] ... next year.
NPC Groups
Prince Allesandro's Jump Light Brigade Currently being reformed as a division.
Orange Brigade (Warden) Involved in the murder of Sergeant Major (Ret) Aldo Domici. Actual motivations for the action unknown. The Orange Brigade tends to attract dissidents and malcontents. Bloodshed and mayhem are par for course. However, this action seems out of character for the group.
Timeline CY IC 1416/SC 208
- IC 1394 SC 184
Irene Pace born (6 Oct)
Quincy Cochran born
- IC 1396 SC 186
Marco Domici born
- IC 1410 SC 202
"Blade 0"
- IC 1411 SC 203
Marco enlist
E-9 Sergeant Major Todd
"A few years ago"
- IC 1412 SC 204
Basic and AIT
Irene ???
- IC 1413 SC 205
Marco and Irene meet during Protected Forces "training"
Irene gets an MCUF
- IC 1414 SC 206
Marco Garrison
Irene graduates High School
Marco meets Quincy
"A glowing report"
"Head of the class"
- IC 1415 SC 207
Marco loses OCS, gets a medal
Irene ???
Quincy in OCS
"Double Barium on the Rocks"
"Radio Malfunction"
"Double Date"
Weeks ago:
Sergeant Major Aldo Domici (Ret) killed by car-jackers
Prince Allesandro's Jump Light Brigade ordered to reform as a Division
"With the chaplain"
"A personal message"
"Delayed Lifter"
- IC 1416 SC 208
Marco on a scout ship some where
"Keeping Pace"