Forgotten Freedom:Ajihazi

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  • Was an orphan Kalashtar in Fairhaven.
  • Used to work the crime rings as a enforcer.
  • Noted for his ability to move really, really fast. Was a bodyguard to Merrix d'Cannith.
  • Is the last Kalashtar of his line.
  • DD caught wind of him, and tried to possess him.
  • The possession failed miserably, leaving Ajihazi insane and sociopathic.
  • Developed five distinct personalities

--Ajihazi: This is his most common personality and is LE for the purposes of alignment. It has an obsession with destroying "The Trouser Titan" for it's mass slaying of infants. This personality is disturbingly literal, honest, and morose. Has an infatuation with Marish, but is too shy to say anthing about it. --The Cavalier: This is his second most uncommon personality, and is LG for alignment purposes. Kanatash thinks that this is either his quori ancestor, or his super ego manifesting. The Cavalier has been known to save kittens, build tree houses for youngsters, and lecture crewmembers on the rewards of good. He claims to have the rank of Captain, and further claims that his name is Carrot. Ajihazi says that he is called the Cavalier, but neither can back up why they know of eachother. --The Child: This is the second most common personality, and is CG for alignment purposes. This is essentially Ajihazi as a child. It enjoys games like "Go Fish", "Checkers", and for some unknown reason, Haz'rak.It also considers Marish it's mother. It often demands that Marish read to it. Marish thinks it's rather cute and often indulges it. It is illeterate. It tries to be helpful but will often screw up because of it's overenthusiasm. --Maisy of Elm street: Captain Jarlot has declared talking about this personality a crime against nature, for unknown reasons. It has become almost completely buried. Kanatash suggests that this is Ajihazi's repressed libido manifesting, but is uncertain. It is distinctly female, and Ajihazi's body is distinctly male. -- The Quori: This is the quori that tried to possess Ajihazi, but failed. It was driven insane by the process and believe that it will crush all the puny half-breeds and fleshlings, and will rule aver Khorvaire when the DD takes over. It doesn't like Not-Walter, and will react with a violent seizure if confronted with it. This has further extended to Terra, but not with a full-blown seizure, just a twitch. This personality will generally surface just after the Cavalier does something good, and then corrupt it. Kanatash is very wary of this personality because it nearly killed him the last time they tangled. His extensive study on this personality is freely available to anyone in the library, but no-one reads it. It drove the last redshirt insane and caused him to explode with a neon pink sound ten seconds after finishing the book.

  • Ajihazi was discovered mumbling to himself in Sharn 12 years ago by Survadurvarash, who took him in and educated him in the way of the Soulknife. He also stabilized Ajihazi as the dominant personality.
  • Ajihazi was brought on the ship because of how he could cut a melon into twenty-five pieces in the time it took for Jarlot to open his mouth to speak. He has since taken on the duties of

--Mascot --Enforcer --Insurance against Kanatash

  • Ajihazi has blue hair, and is not schizophrenic, just sociopathic with multiple personalities.
  • Still has his own room.
  • Writes Haiku's to Marish, who can't figure out who their from, and never signs them.

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