Kazoth's old character sheet

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Revision as of 16:52, 12 July 2006 by (talk)
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Current Hit Points: 124
Current Nonlethal Damage: 
Current Ability Damage/Drain:


Alignment:	Chaotic Good
Race:		Half-Orc (Humanoid [Orc])
Speed:		30ft
Level:		Rogue 14/Fighter 1
Hit Dice:	14d6+1d10+30 [124hp]
Initative:	+7 [+7 Dex]
Armor Class:	24 [+1 natural, +4 armour, +7 Dex, +2 deflection]
 Touch AC:       19
 Flat-footed AC: 17
Base Attack:	+11/+6/+1
Grapple:	+14 [+3 Str, +11 BAB]
Attack:		Light Crossbow +21 ranged 80' (1d8+5/19-20)
		or Greatsword +16 melee (2d6+14/19-20 plus 1d6  electricity)*
                or Shortsword +15 melee (1d6+4/19-20)
                or Dagger +15 melee [+19 ranged 10'] (1d4+3/19-20)
                or Club +15 melee [+19 ranged 10'] (1d6+3)
                or Sap +15 melee (1d6+3 nonlethal)
Full Attack:	Light Crossbow +21 ranged 80' (1d8+5/19-20) 
		or Greatsword +16/+11/+6 melee (2d6+14/19-20 plus 1d6 electricity)*
                or Shortsword +15/+10/+5 melee (1d6+4/19-20)
                or Dagger +15/+10/+5 melee [+19 ranged 10'] (1d4+3/19-20)
                or Club +15/+10/+5 melee [+19 ranged 10'] (1d6+3)
                or Sap +15/+10/+5 melee (1d6+3 nonlethal)
*Including Power Attack for -2 to hit.
Fortitude:	+12 [+2 Con, +4 Rogue, +2 Fighter, +4 Resistance, +1 luck]
Reflex:		+20 [+7 Dex, +9 Rogue, +0 Fighter, +4 Resistance, +1 luck]
Will:		+10 [+2 Wis, +4 Rogue, +0 Fighter, +4 Resistance, +1 luck]
Strength	16 +3 [15 Base, +2 Race, -1 age]
Dexterity	24 +7 [16 Base, -1 age, +3 level, +6 enhancement]
Constitution	14 +2 [14 Base, -1 age, +1 inherent]
Intelligence	14 +2 [15 Base, -2 Race, +1 age]
Wisdom		14 +2 [13 Base, +1 age]
Charisma	8  -1 [9 Base, -2 Race, +1 age]
Skills:			     18/9cc
Search         +25 [17 Ranks, +2 Int, +5 competence, +1 luck]
Disable Device +22 [17 Ranks, +2 Int, +2 circumstance, +1 luck]
Open Lock      +27 [17 Ranks, +7 Dex, +2 circumstance, +1 luck]
Tumble         +27 [17 Ranks, +7 Dex, +2 synergy, +1 luck]
Jump           +16 [8 Ranks, +3 Str, +2 synergy, +2 untyped, +1 luck]
Climb          +18 [12 Ranks, +3 Str, +2 untyped, +1 luck]
Balance        +15 [5 Ranks, +7 Dex, +2 synergy, +1 luck]
Hide           +30 [17 Ranks, +7 Dex, +5 competence, +1 luck]
Move Silently  +30 [17 Ranks, +7 Dex, +5 competence, +1 luck]
Spot           +25 [17 Ranks, +2 Wis, +5 competence, +1 luck]
Listen         +20 [17 Ranks, +2 Wis, +1 luck]
Diplomacy      +13 [8 Ranks, -1 Cha, +2 synergy, +3 competence, +1 luck]
Bluff          +8  [5 Ranks, -1 Cha, +3 competence, +1 luck]
Escape Artist  +23 [0 Ranks, +7 Dex, +15 competence, +1 luck]
Swim           +6  [0 ranks, +3 Str, +2 untyped, +1 luck]
All other skills: 0 Ranks, +1 luck 
Common, Orc, Giant, Goblin
1:  Point Blank Shot
3:  Precise Shot
6:  Weapon Focus (Light Crossbow)
9:  Crossbow Sniper [PHBII]
10: [Fighter Bonus Feat] Power Attack
12: Deadeye Shot [PHBII]
15: Telling Blow [PHBII] 
Equipment                                                125000gp
Leather Duster +3, Greater Slick [as Padded Armour]           -
 - and Silent Moves                                        3750gp
Batwing Tattoo [as Cloak of the Bat]                          -
Shocking Burst Greatsword +4                                  -
Cold Iron Shortsword +1                                       -
Winged Boots                                                  -
Immovable Rods, 2                                             -
Bag of Holding Type II                                        -
Chime of Opening (6 charges)                                  -
Figurine of Wondrous Power: Ebony Fly                         -
Amulet of Natural Armour +1                                   -
Light Crossbow +2                                             -
 - plus Deadly Precision [+2 enhancement cost]            14000gp
Hat of Persuasion [as Circlet of Persuasion]               4500gp
Harness of Resistance +4 [as Vest of Resistance]          16000gp
MW Dagger                                                   302gp
MW Sap                                                      301gp
MW Club                                                     300gp
Gloves of Dexterity +6                                    36000gp
Ring of Sustenance                                         2500gp
Ring of Protection +2                                      8000gp
Eyes of the Eagle                                          2500gp
Lens of Detection                                          3500gp
Bracers of Might                                           4100gp
Stone of Good Luck                                        20000gp
Efficient Quiver                                           1800gp
Adamantine Crossbow Bolts, 15                               901.5gp
Cold Iron Crossbow Bolts, 15                                  3gp
Alchemical Silver Crossbow Bolts, 15                         31.5gp
Crossbow Bolts, 15                                            1.5gp
MW Thieve's Tools, 2                                        200gp
Potion of Invisibility, 4                                  1200gp
Potion of Tongues                                           750gp
Feather Token: Anchor                                        50gp
Feather Token: Bird                                         300gp
Feather Token: Fan                                          200gp
Feather Token: Swan Boat                                    450gp
Feather Token: Tree                                         400gp
Feather Token: Whip                                         500gp
Silversheen, 2                                              500gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 2                              100gp
Potion of Lesser Vigour, 12                                 600gp 

1259gp 5sp
Class Abilities:
Sneak Attack +7d6
Trap Sense +4
Uncanny Dodge
Improved Uncanny Dodge
Special Ability: Crippling Strike
Special Ability: Slippery Mind
  Darkvision 60 feet
  Orc Blood
