Character Name
Name: Kacht-ta
Concept: Kreen hunter
Rank: Novice
Race: Thri-Kreen
...................Size +1
...................Armor +1: chitin shell
...................Natural Weapons: Str +1d4
...................Poison: When you hit with a Raise on your natural weapons any shaken creature suffers a -2 penalty to recover from Shaken.
...................Fast Pace of 10"
...................Four Limbs Automatically ambidextrous, four functioning arms.
...................Insect Biology Does not sleep, requires only 1 gallon of water per week
...................Alien Form Cannot wear armor or most clothing
...................Weird -3 to charisma with non-kreen.
Agility d8
Smarts d6
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigour d8
Pace 10" / Parry 6 / Toughness 8 / Charisma -3