Savage Lands

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A Savage Worlds game set in Dark Sun by Beyond Reality


Player Characters[edit]

Karik Thunder-knuckle played by VampGuy

Kacht-ta played my insomniac

Gur Hanrarden played by ChalkLine

Kov, son of Jor'Osh played by Geijhan

Arissa played by Marduk

Li'Kabo played by Lorechaser

Non Player Characters[edit]

The Dune Reapers[edit]

These gladiators are clearly somewhat more battle-hardened than the other teams.

Zhack: A dwarven warrior and the apparent leader of the team. He seems to favor a mix of brawling and close-combat weapons.

Sand A half-elf. Keeps mostly to himself when not training but seems friendly with Zhack. Average fighter with no particular style.

Semah An extremely talkative human. He especially seems to enjoy chatting with non-gladiators such as Enjay and the slaves that bring food and water. He's even had several conversations with soldiers through the pen door, sharing some of his food with them. Doesn't seem to be much of a fighter.

Megara A rare female Mul. She seems to have been muted judging by her silence and the heavy scarring on her throat. She and Zhack are clearly the most skilled fighters and spar often and intensely. She prefers flexible rope weapons, especially cahaluks.

Brax A half-giant. He is extremely slow in both word and action but seems to have a talent for anticipating his teammate's needs and will often start to do something before he is asked. Uses the biggest, heaviest blunt instrument available in training.

The Jhakar[edit]

Like the Dune Reapers they are a mixed team but are mostly human. They don't seem very sociable and barely get along with each other, let alone the other gladiators.

Simbala An elven warrior. He's a decent hand with a blade and seems to take the lead whenever possible...however he often squabbles with his other team members, especially Apo and Romb.

Apo The rarest of sights: an obese gladiator. Apo is a huge human whose hefty muscles are concealed under a layer of flab. He'll often ask for (or steal) food left unattended by both his teammates and the other gladiators. Only the fact that food is so plentiful has prevented a serious incident.

Diaza Diaza is a shifty looking human who uses small, light weapons like singing sticks. He's also an exceptionally dirty fighter whose "low blows" have nearly crippled some of his sparring partners, even during training.

Romb Also human, Romb seems to dislike close combat but has exceptional accuracy. After a particular vicious fight with Simbala Romb had to be whipped by the guards for apparently stealing and sharpening several large wooden splinters which he managed to weight with rocks and use as crude throwing weapons...a few inches to the left and the shard would have been in the elf's throat.

Gerakis The only member of the team who actually seems fairly friendly. Gerakis has a child-like attitude (complete with a child's enthusiasm for violence) and immense strength. Despite his size he is often bullied by the other Jhakar members and seems to be quite miserable when the rest of his team fights among themselves.

The Boneclaws[edit]

This team was clearly put together as an "exotic" attraction for the audience, consisting entirely of species not normally welcome in civilized lands. Most of them fight without weapons.

Ti-Zan-Din A thri-kreen hunter. She seems to be the dominant member of the team, although the team seems to operate fairly independent of one another (likely due to their limited shared language skills).

Kariss A member of the Silt Runners, a diminutive species of lizardfolk. Although small he is incredibly fast, no surprise as Silt Runners are said to be able to dash across the surface of the silt sea without sinking. He quite clearly, and actively dislikes anyone of elven blood and will growl and snap at Sand, Li'Kabo and Simbala if they come near.

Pala and Zeera It's unclear if these two gith are companions, mates or family. Rather than their race's traditional spears they seem to favor twin wrist razors.

Tikki Slender and lacking in both ferocity and skill, this tari does not seem to be a very promising gladiator. Despite this the rest of his team seems highly protective of him and you often see several of them speaking together quietly.

Other NPCs[edit]

The Trustee: Named Jhay, the trustee is technically also a slave but his seniority and service have granted him the authority to lead the gladiators in this pen. He is permitted to carry a sword and seems to speak his mind more freely and openly than most guards or free servants dare to. He is missing an arm and rarely takes any active role in training but you have no doubt he is quite skilled...surving to old age as a gladiator demands nothing else.

Enjay A healer and masseuse for the pens. She apparently lived here before the skilled slaves were moved to other quaters to make room for Tectuktitlay's gladiators.

House Rules[edit]

  • Bennies and XP: Given the nature of PbPs I'll be handing out both Bennies and XP in a slightly simpler manner. Instead of trying to track "sessions" everyone will get 1 Benny back at the end of a significant scene. So, after a big fight or a prolonged period of out-of-combat events you'll get back a benny up to your normal maximum of 3. XP will be handled in a similar way: all but the biggest scenes will be worth only 1 XP but you will be getting XP rewards more often.
  • Weapon Breakage This occurs when you roll a 1 on a Fighting die when using weapons made of wood, bone, obsidian and stone (on a roll of 2 if fighting someone with a metal weapon or striking an area covered by metal armor). The effect of the breakage is as follows:

---Light weapons (daggers, clubs, tortoise blades) become useless.

---Swords can still be used as crude (-1 Fighting) daggers (str +1d4)

---bludgeons (maces, hammers, etc) become clubs (str +1d4)

---spears and polearms can function as staves. Double-headed polearms can be swapped to the second head as a backup.

  • Quick Draw: Effectively, everyone can consider themselves to have the Quick Draw edge...drawing a new weapon (at least one that isn't located in a pack or pouch) is a free action.


  • The rules for converting Savage Worlds to the Dark Sun setting can be found here
  • Savage World quick start rules are here