Marco Domici: Blue Dragons
Team Designations:
Charlie Command and Control.
Hotel Hostage Recovery. Hotel Two will deal with actual criminals.
Oscar Overwatch. Snipers and long range shooters.
Sam Strike Team. CQB focus.
The First person listed for the Team is the leader. The <Team> One leader leads that group. Thus Patrick leads the Hostage Recovery teams, Verner leads the Overwatch, and Marco, seconded by Gabbie, leads the Strike teams. Johanna is second in overall command and runs the C&C vehicle.
Strike Teams:
Sam One
Marco Domici
Karin [MM][F] (age 24) [855795]: Electronics-1, Gun Cbt-1 ... works with Johanna ... SMG.
Isabella [MM][F] (age 26) [77AA69]: Electronics-2, GunCbt-1 ... Assault Rifle w/ RPG launcher
Sam Two
Gabriela [G][F] (age 21): [366A75] Recon-0, Ship's Boat-1, Pistol-1
Paul [G][M] (Age 21): [698587] Medic-0, CbtRifle-2
Albin [G][M] (Age 20): [77734A] Gambling-0, CbtRifle-2
Jonatan [G][M] (Age 17): [96AA77] Tracked-0, CbtRifle-1
Sam Three
Baltasar [G][M] (Age 22) 783679 Electronic-0, Grav-1, CbtRifle-2
Monika [G][F] (Age 16) 855795 CbtRifle-1
[Artist] [M] Benton Perrot (age 22) - [3B98AA] - Art(poet)-1 [R]esponder -Compassionate Pleaser [Heart] ... Compassionate, Creative, Passionate ... "Do you really care?" ... innate gift of mercy, with a natural ability to show compassion towards and care for others. Born to wealth and privilege (Blue Card), enjoying talent, education and opportunity, but leaving it all to pursue a relentless passion for writing poetry. His college education had taken him as far as it could in his path, so Benton left home and school behind to live in the exhilarating world of the emerging art culture. He joins the expedition as a young idealist eager to save the world and LIVE, so that he can write from his experiences.
[Artist] [F] Emilee Vignon (age 22) - [963668] - Art(painting)-1, Steward-1, Streetwise-1 [D]oer - Trustworthy Finisher [Action] ... Practical, Diligent, Detailed ... "Are you doing your share?" ... employs lists and enjoys doing things that meet practical needs. Benton's lover and an aspiring painter who worked odd jobs to avoid starvation and had a knack for hustling some money on the street by selling her art to tourists or getting odd jobs painting signs. She is dedicated to Benton and believes passionately in his art and ability.
Overwatch Teams
Oscar One
Verner Ottoson [MM][M]
Vickie Aguilar [R][F] 873672 Age 31 Brawling-1, Gambling-1, GunCbt-1, Streetwise-1
Leena Dudley [R][F] 92A963 Age 28 Brawling-1, Bribery-1, GunCbt-1, Streetwise-1
Oscar Two
Agata [MM][F] (age 29) [783679]: GunCbt-2, BladeCbt-1 ... ACR with RPG launcher & Bayonet
Palmira Dillard [R][F] A97931 Age 31 Blade-1, Brawling-1, Bribery-1, GunCbt-1, Streetwise-1
Brenda Fortin [R][F] 3B7C74 Age 28 JoT-2, Mechanical-1, Streetwise-1
Oscar Three
Bertil [MM][M] (age 30) [A78657]: Gun Cbt-2, Leader, Recon ... serves on crew for 'Bertha'
Petter [MM][M] (age 31) [7A755A]: Gun Cbt-3, Tactics ... owns and shoots 'Bertha' (Bertha = 20mm anti-tank gun: 2.2m long, 50 kg, 14D6 standard ammo, 16D6 HEAP ammo ... 120g ammo @ 900 mps)
Sam Garnier [R][F] 589B84 Age 28 Blade-1, Brawling-1, Gambling-1, Streetwise-1
Hostage Teams:
Hotel One
Patrick Huss [R][M] 987A42 Age 25 Streetwise-2, BladeCbt-1 (butterfly knife), Bribery-1, Vehicle-1, Brawling-0, Electronic-0, Forgery-0, Gambling-0, GunCbt(Pistol/SMG)-0, Mechanical-0, Medical-0
Jillia Ottoson [MM][F] 785987 Age 19 CbtRifle-2, Medic-1, Computer-0, Recon-0, Survival-0
Tala Torsten [R][F] 996B22 (C) Age 17 Untrained Psion CbtR-0, Dance-1, Survival-0
Cory Singleton [G][M] (age 34) - [59C475] - Vehicle-1, JoT-2, Persuade-1, Recon-1, CbtR-1 [S]haper - Long-range Leader [Head] ... Organized, Strategic, Focused ... "Do you have a plan?" ... natural administrator and leader able to dynamically organize and lead others in pursuit of a long-range quest.
Ervin Puckett [G][M] (age 40) - [5B7485] - Vehicle-1, Persuade-1, JoT-1, Recon-1, CbtR-1, Leadership-1 [M]over - Courageous Innovator [Action] ... Innovative, Forceful, Sets Standards ... "What is your motive?" ... sees future possibilities and drives towards them.
A two-man middle aged Guide recon team of Cory (age 34) and Ervin (age 40), experienced in asymmetrical warfare and sabotage of CCC systems, who came equipped with tactical shotguns and backpack tool kits. Improvising with whatever you have on hand was their specialty, but, ironically, neither individual would be described as the smartest person in any room. Whatever they lack in initiative and intuition, they make up for in the natural ability to talk their way out of any situation, broad practical experience and a determination to accomplish any task ... by 'trial and error' if necessary.
Hotel Two:
Harriet Brand [F] (Age 49) 546C82 Survival-1, Streetwise-3, Investigate-2, GunCbt-1, Bribery-1, Blade-1, Persuade-1
Dennis Jensen [M] (Age 34): B76967 Brawling-1, Forgery-1, Gambling-3
Phyllis Parent [F] (Age 28) B96867 Investigate-1, Blade-1, Stealth-1
Milton Guthrie [M] (Age 35) 5599B7 Blade-3, Leadership-1, GunCbt-1, Medical-1, Streetwise-1
Hotel Three:
Betty Jimenez [P][F] (age 43) - [566527] - JoT-1, Leadership-1, Persuade-1, CbtR-1, GunCbt-1 [S]haper - Long-range Leader [Head] ... Organized, Strategic, Focused ... "Do you have a plan?" ... natural administrator and leader able to dynamically organize and lead others in pursuit of a long-range quest.
Tama Leclercq [P][F] (age 27) -[57589D] -Persuade-1, CbtR-1 [P]roducer - Resourceful Manager [Head] ... Financial, Hospitable, Resourceful ... "Are you managing your life?" ... financially successful, love to lavishly entertain, able to be both generous and thoughtful.
Tama (age 27) was the natural leader of the pair. She was born to a (Blue Card) civil service family and served her mandatory term of military service and transferred to full time Government Service (she became a Greycoat). Over the last 6 years, she served with a natural talent for motivating people and an innate ability to get the most out of her limited resources. Her success at her job and continuing education has allowed her to quickly gain promotions and accolades in government circles. At the same time, dealing with the government had revealed just how badly managed the planetary resources actually were. Tama joins Marco's party with a Blue Card, thorough knowledge of the local and regional economy and resources, a seven figure war chest and an innate ability to get the most out of whatever resources are placed in her care. Betty (age 43) was in many ways the opposite of Tama ... older, less educated and from a much rougher background. While Tama mastered the daily details and critical decisions, Betty was her right arm and chief enforcer. Most of the time that involved Betty keeping her eye on the long range picture to anticipate problems in advance. On at least one occasion, Betty was known to resolve a tense impasse by drawing her 11mm magnum revolver to shot the opposition ... negotiations went much smoother after that.
[Artist] [F] Margaret Besse (age 44) - [788942] Gambler-1, Streetwise-1, Deception-1, Athletics-3, Comms-1, Art(theatrics)-1 [M]over - Courageous Innovator [Action] She was an acrobat, street magician and something of a con man ... not so much in the spirit of Patrick's Red Cards, but more in the ancient tradition of snake oil salesmen. Tough, nimble and smart, Margaret was able to more than just survive, she was a dreamer, a grand visionary, who would see the possibilities that other could not and relentlessly pursue the vision
[Artist] [M] Avery Bob (age 35) - [487849] - Deception-1, Art(mechanical sculpture)-4 [R]esponder -Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
An incredibly talented artist and craftsman who created everyday objects of staggering beauty. Under other circumstances, Avery's crafts would have earned him a comfortable living ... perhaps even commanding premium prices like fine watches ... but Avery was not really either a businessman or a people person. His art always came first. He was lead by his heart and his passions and though both skilled, experienced and intelligent, all of his energy went into a relentless pursuit of the next project ... an unending quest for some idealized perfect blend of beauty and function.
[Artist] [F] Kayleigh Davidson (age 23) - [BC9886] - Art(metalworking)-1, Streetwise-1, Persuade-1 [R]esponder -Compassionate Pleaser [Heart] ... Compassionate, Creative, Passionate ... "Do you really care?" ... innate gift of mercy, with a natural ability to show compassion towards and care for others. A young metal sculptor and protégée of Avery, who communicated through her sculpture. While Avery relied purely on his talent to survive, Kayleigh had spent enough time on the streets to learn how to hustle to survive. Led by her passions, she jumped at a chance for some sort of new world order that would give her and Avery a shot at a better life.
Command and Control
Charlie One
Johanna [F] (age 33) [679655]: AirRaft-2, Electronics-1, Gun Cbt-1, Mechanical-1 ... Served as a COACC Pilot (1 term); became a Mercenary pilot for air rafts and air-cushion vehicles providing convoy escort for Ingalil ... two pistols.
Vega [F] (age 25) [96AA77]: Gun Cbt-2 ... works with Johanna ... Auto-shotgun.
Cecilia [F] (age 30) [59755A]: Mechanical-2, Gun Cbt-1, HeavyWeapon-1 ... repairs and makes ammo for 'Bertha'
Derek [M] S2 Computer specialist.
Rasmus Vaden [M] S6 Communications Specialist
Gone because of Max
(MM) Gerda [F] (age 25) - [366A75]: Engineering-1, GunCbt-1 ... Pistol. Contemplator - Loyal Scholar [Head]
(MM) Mikaela [F] (age 31) - [785896]: Computer-1, Electronics-1, GunCbt-1, Mechanical-1 ... Shotgun. Responder -Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
(MM) Eddy [M] (age 25) - [698587]: Gun Cbt-2 ... Sniper Rifle Responder -Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
(Guide) Max [M] (Age 19) - [75762A] ACV-0, CbtRifle-2 Influencer - Enthusiastic Encourager [Heart]
Grav Cav
Sergeant Arne [M] (age 32): [BA68B9] - Biter Army (Grav Cavalry) - retired CbtRifleman-1, Electronics-1, HvyWeapons-1, Leader-1, Medic-1 Champion of the underdog ... Loves to eat ... Hates Dogs ... Wealthy (magnesium recycling business owner) ... Loves being in the Army Reserves ... Loves to learn new things and exercise outdoors. PERSONALITY: Contemplator - Loyal Scholar [Head] ... like a Wise Owl ... Intelligent, Inquisitive, Philosophical ... "Am I really interested in this?" ... find teaching as a natural outlet for their knowledge and a satisfying passion. APPEARANCE: Tall (6'6" = 2.0 m) and well proportioned, with light tan skin, brown eyes and very short black hair. Wears mismatched clothes that are a combination of Army issue, Mountain Man Outdoor, and civilian leisure ... apparently chosen for comfort and utility rather than any fashion coordination.
Lance Sergeant Birke [F] (age 29): [9B48A6] Medic-2, GunCbt-1, Mechanical-1 PERSONALITY: Doer - Trustworthy Finisher [Action]
Lance Sergeant Cronbust [F] (age 31): [D699A6] Electronics-1, GunCbt-1, Medic-1, Recon-1 PERSONALITY: Mover - Courageous Innovator [Action]
Lance Sergeant Eng [M] (age 29): [7B9685] Medic-2, Computer-1, GunCbt-1 PERSONALITY: Responder - Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
Lance Sergeant Kron [F] (age 30): [698356] Computer-1, GunCbt-1, HvyWeapon-1, Mechanical-1 PERSONALITY: Responder - Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
Lance Sergeant Somberg [M] (age 28): [4B98A4] GunCbt-1, Leader-1, Medic-1, Recon-1 PERSONALITY: Doer - Trustworthy Finisher [Action]
Lance Sergeant Sundblad [F] (age 27): [456B86] Electronics-1, GunCbt-1, Mechanical-1, Recon-1 PERSONALITY: Doer - Trustworthy Finisher [Action]
Corporal Asae [M] (age 25): [969766] GunCbt-1, HvyWeapon-1, Medic-1 PERSONALITY: Influencer - Enthusiastic Encourager [Heart]
Corporal Bohr [M] (age 23): [7869B4] Computer-1, Electronics-1, GunCbt-1 PERSONALITY: Shaper - Long Range Leader [Head]
Corporal Forstrom [M] (age 23): [9889A4] GunCbt-3 PERSONALITY: Responder - Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
Corporal Hellstrom [M] (age 24): [B6C824] GunCbt-2, Electronics-1 PERSONALITY: Influencer - Enthusiastic Encourager [Heart]
Corporal Lunden [M] (age 24): [B98A83] Electronics-1, GunCbt-1, Medic-1 PERSONALITY: Responder - Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
Corporal Molen [F] (age 27): [547484] GunCbt-3 PERSONALITY: Influencer - Enthusiastic Encourager [Heart]
Corporal Nygrin [M] (age 25): [4958C5] GunCbt-1, Mechanical-1, Medic-1 PERSONALITY: Producer - Resourceful Manager [Head]
Corporal Osterlund [M] (age 25): [BB76A4] BladeCbt-1, GunCbt-1, Medic-1 PERSONALITY: Mover - Courageous Innovator [Action]
Corporal Roden [F] (age 26): [76A674] Grav/ACV-1, GunCbt-1, Medic-1 PERSONALITY: Responder - Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
Lance Corporal Brood [M] (age 22): [D38686] GunCbt-1, Recon-1 PERSONALITY: Influencer - Enthusiastic Encourager [Heart]
Lance Corporal Gustafson [F] (age 23): [7DA786] GunCbt-1, Recon-1 PERSONALITY: Responder - Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
Lance Corporal Isberg [M] (age 23): [7D8875] Grav/ACV-1, GunCbt-1 PERSONALITY: Producer - Resourceful Manager [Head]
Lance Corporal Linden [M] (age 21): [B73A73] GunCbt-1, Mechanical-1 PERSONALITY: Influencer - Enthusiastic Encourager [Heart]
Lance Corporal Sjostom [M] (age 21): [76CA54] GunCbt-2 PERSONALITY: Doer - Trustworthy Finisher [Action]
Lance Corporal Tornberg [M] (age 22): [796392] GunCbt-1, Medic-1 PERSONALITY: Influencer - Enthusiastic Encourager [Heart]
Personality Types: NPCs
(Red) Patrick Huss [M] (Age 25) - [987A42] Streetwise-2, BladeCbt-1 (butterfly knife), Bribery-1, Vehicle-1, Brawling-0, Electronic-0, Forgery-0, Gambling-0, GunCbt(Pistol/SMG)-0, Mechanical-0, Medical-0 Influencer - Enthusiastic Encourager [Heart]
(Red) Brenda Fortin [F] (Age 28) - [3B7C74] JoT-2, Mechanical-1, Streetwise-1 Contemplator - Loyal Scholar [Head]
(Red) Vickie Aguilar [F] (Age 31) - [873672] Brawling-1, Gambling-1, GunCbt-1, Streetwise-1 Influencer - Enthusiastic Encourager [Heart]
(Red) Leena Dudley [F] (Age 28) - [92A963] Brawling-1, Bribery-1, GunCbt-1, Streetwise-1 Doer - Trustworthy Finisher [Action]
(Red) Sam Garnier [F] - (Age 28) [589B84] Blade-1, Brawling-1, Gambling-1, Streetwise-1 Contemplator - Loyal Scholar [Head]
(Red) Palmira Dillard [F] - (Age 31) [A97931] Blade-1, Brawling-1, Bribery-1, GunCbt-1, Streetwise-1 Shaper - Long-range Leader [Head]
(Red) Harriet Brand [F] - (Age 49) [546C82] Survival-1, Streetwise-3, Investigate-2, GunCbt-1, Bribery-1, Blade-1, Persuade-1 Influencer - Enthusiastic Encourager [Heart]
(Red) Dennis Jensen [M] - (Age 34): [B76967] Brawling-1, Forgery-1, Gambling-3 Responder -Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
(Red) Phyllis Parent [F] - (Age 28) [B96867] Investigate-1, Blade-1, Stealth-1 Doer - Trustworthy Finisher [Action]
(Red) Milton Guthrie [M] - (Age 35) [5599B7] Blade-3, Leadership-1, GunCbt-1, Medical-1, Streetwise-1 Influencer - Enthusiastic Encourager [Heart]
(MM) Karin [F] (age 24) - [855795]: Electronics-1, Gun Cbt-1 ... works with Johanna ... SMG. Doer - Trustworthy Finisher [Action]
(MM) Isabella [F] (age 26) - [77AA69]: Electronics-2, GunCbt-1 ... Assault Rifle w/ RPG launcher Doer - Trustworthy Finisher [Action]
(MM) Agata [F] (age 29) - [783679]: GunCbt-2, BladeCbt-1 ... ACR with RPG launcher & Bayonet Shaper - Long-range Leader [Head]
(MM) Jillia Ottoson [F] (age 19) - [785987] CbtRifle-2, Medic-1, Computer-0, Recon-0 Responder -Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
(MM) Vega [F] (age 25) - [96AA77]: Gun Cbt-2 ... works with Johanna ... Auto-shotgun. Contemplator - Loyal Scholar [Head]
(MM) Cecilia [F] (age 30) - [59755A]: Mechanical-2, Gun Cbt-1, HeavyWeapon-1 ... repairs and makes ammo for 'Bertha' Responder -Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
(MM) Derek [M] S2 Computer specialist. Contemplator - Loyal Scholar [Head]
(MM) Rasmus Vaden [M] (age 29) - [697966] S6 Communications Specialist Responder -Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
(Red) Tala Torsten [F] (Age 17) 996B22 (C - Untrained Psion) Dance-1, CbtR-0, Survival-0 Mover - Courageous Innovator [Action]
(MM) Verner Ottoson (age 45) - Mover - Courageous Innovator [Action]
(MM) Johanna [F] (age 33) - [679655]: AirRaft-2, Electronics-1, Gun Cbt-1, Mechanical-1 ... Served as a COACC Pilot (1 term); became a Mercenary pilot for air rafts and air-cushion vehicles providing convoy escort for Ingalil ... two pistols. Influencer - Enthusiastic Encourager [Heart]
(MM) Petter [M] (age 31) - [7A755A]: Gun Cbt-3, Tactics ... owns and shoots 'Bertha' (Bertha = 20mm anti-tank gun: 2.2m long, 50 kg, 14D6 standard ammo, 16D6 HEAP ammo ... 120g ammo @ 900 mps) Responder -Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
(MM) Bertil [M] (age 30) - [A78657]: Gun Cbt-2, Leader, Recon ... serves on crew for 'Bertha' Mover - Courageous Innovator [Action]
(Guide) Paul [M] (Age 21) - [698587] Medic-0, CbtRifle-2 Shaper - Long-range Leader [Head]
(Guide) Torgny [M] Shaper - Long-range Leader [Head]
(Guide) Valter [M] Responder -Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
(Guide) Gabriela [F] (age 21) - [366A75] Recon-0, Ship's Boat-1, Pistol-1
Responder -Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
(Guide) Albin [M] (Age 20) - [77734A] Gambling-0, CbtRifle-2 Responder -Compassionate Pleaser [Heart]
(Guide) Jonatan [M] (Age 17) - [96AA77] Tracked-0, CbtRifle-1 Influencer - Enthusiastic Encourager [Heart]
(Guide) Baltasar [M] (Age 22) - [783679] Electronic-0, Grav-1, CbtRifle-2 Doer - Trustworthy Finisher [Action]
(Guide) Monika [F] (Age 16) - [855795] CbtRifle-1 Doer - Trustworthy Finisher [Action]