Chela the Warped
Chela the Warped
NG Half-Orc Aberrant Aegis
Str 18 (20) (+4/+5)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 7 (-2)
HP 20
Init +2
Attack BAB +2; 4 tentacles +7 (1d4+6 plus Grab +6)
AC 10 +2 (Dex) +1 Natural Armor +4 Armor +2 Shield=19
Fort +3 Class +2 Con= +5
Ref +2 Dex = +2
Wil +3 Class +1 Wis = +4
CMB: +2 BAB +4/5 Str= +6/7 (Grab +17)
CMD: 10+2 BAB +4/5 Str +2 Dex=18/19
Carrying Capacity: 100/133 lt, 200/266 md, 300/400 hv
Languages: Common, Orcish,
Half-Orc: +2 Str; Intimidating (+2 Racial bonus to Intimidate); Skilled (+1 Skill Point/Level); Fey Thoughts (Perception and Sense Motive are Class Skills); Orc Ferocity (1/day, when reduced below 0 HP but not killed, fight on for one more round.)
Aegis (Aberrant): 4 Customization points, 3 PP/Day, Transformed Body (+1 Natural Armor, free Customizations: Hardened Strikes, Brawn, Darkvision), Vim (Use Vim at will as long as Psionic Focus is maintained), Intimidate (+1 to Intimidate), Damage Reduction (Dr 2/-)
Standard Customizations: Tentacles x4
Feats: Psionic Fist (+1 damage unarmed, or use Focus to boost one attack by 2d6)
Traits: Unnatural Presence, Militia Veteran
Skills: Climb 2 (+9/10), Intimidate 2 (+13), Perception 2 (+7), Sense Motive 2 (+7), Swim 1 (+8/9), Profession (Fisherman) 1 (+5), Acrobatics 2 (+7), Ride 1 (+6)
27 GP Load 84
Masterwork Chain Shirt with Armor Spikes
Darkwood Heavy Shield
Fishing Tackle
Fighter's Kit
Cold-Weather Outfit
5 Healing Potions
Light Horse (Trained)
Studded Leather Barding
Military Saddle
1 month's feed