While plenty of superpowered individuals operate alone, it's inevitable that some organization should arise among like-minded individuals. What follows is a description of several possible organizations a character may belong to which may or may not exist in a More Than Human Chronicle. Ask your ST.
Groups which have no mechanical effect do not need to be listed.
Template Name: What the group is most commonly called. Summery: A one sentence mini-description, getting across the essence of the concept behind the group. Description: Basic overview of the group. Membership: How one joins the group and what the membership is typically composed of. Merits: The benefits of joining. Restrictions: Responsibilities and rules regarding membership.
All of these organizations are original, not taken from any particular published material. In games that take place in an established setting, like the Marvel or DC universes, the ST may choose to use the rules for these groups to model groups from that setting, or just add them to the setting if they feel it is appropriate.
The Malefactors Society:
A mandatory and imposed trade-guild for supervillians.
The Legion of Guardians:
An organization of Superheros which polices it's own membership.
Abnormal Forces Units:
Superpowered law-enforcement agencies.
The Academy of Servitors:
The training ground for servants of unusual prowess.
The Midnight Compact:
A secret society of animals who watch, wait and protect.