Anchorite Sylanna
Sylanna was an Anchorite, one who has withdrawn from the world to better pursue her faith. But her goddess spoke to her and lead her to Zaharak, a Ruinguard that had rebelled against his bloodline. She taught him to quell the demon inside, and interceded with the Scarlet Prince to grant Zaharak amnesty.
- L3 Human Priestess of Mityara, Goddess of Mercy
- XP: 8459/16,000
- Alignment Lawful
- Henchwoman of Zaharak the Unburned
- Age 22
- 09 STR
- 13 INT (+1)
- 13 WIS (+1)
- 11 DEX
- 15 CON (+1)
- 09 CHA
- Languages
- Common
- Faery
- General Proficiencies
- Adventuring
- Healing
- Theology (+1 with use of Holy Book)
- Contemplation (one hour of meditative trance allows recovery of spell already cast)
- Class Proficiencies
- Turn Undead (as a Cleric of the same level, see below)
- Manifest Her Deity's Power (Cast 3 x 1st Level Spells, 2 x 2nd Level Spells)
- Laying On Of Hands: Heal 2HP per level, self or others, once per day. Skill can be taken multiple times.
- AC 0
- HP 16
- Movement Rate 120/40/120
- Initiative Modifier 0
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: Staff 9+, 1d6 dmg
- Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger 9+, 1d4 dmg
- Primary Ranged Attack: Darts 9+, 1d4 dmg
- Saves:
- 12 Petrification & Paralysis
- 09 Poison & Death
- 15 Blast & Breath
- 12 Staves & Wands
- 14 Spells
- +1 WIS bonus to saves caused by spells or magic items
- First Level: 3 Spells Per Day
- Second Level: 2 Spells per day
Turn Undead
- 4+ Skeleton
- 7+ Zombie
- 10+ Ghoul
- 13+ Wight
- 16+ Wraith
- 19+ Mummy
Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance 3 stone
- Priestess's head dress
- White silk chiton
- Gold silk sash
- Silver dagger (1 item)
- Purse
- High boots
- Hooded silk cloak
- Holy symbol, around neck (1 item)
- Slender whitewood staff (1 stone)
- Lantern (1 item)
- Backpack (1 stone, 3 items)
- Holy water x2
- Holy book (+1 on Theology throws)
- Iron rations x2
- Waterskin
- Oil, common x3
- Medium riding horse - Harmony
- 3HD 15hp
- Saddle and tack (riding)
- Saddlebags
- Blanket, wool (1 item)
- Spare medium riding horse - Amity - lead by groom
- 3HD 14hp