Unclaimed or Unidentified
- Two potions (green, pale blue)
- There is also a potion vial of clear glass containing an effervescent pale green liquid.
- two potions from the trolls' hoard.
- two clear bottles with silver stoppers -- one containing a bluish liquid, the other a reddish liquid suffused with small silver bubbles
- Brass scrollcase
- A brass scrollcase containing a single rolled scroll of soft vellum. It is a scroll of arcane magics, written in an archaic dialect of Common. It contains the following spells: Sleep, Read Languages, Dispel Magic and Giant Strength.
- In one of the bugbear shaman's pouches the companions find a handful of fine black powder, possessing a pungent odor. Not magical; maybe alchemical?
- The bugbear shaman is wearing a leather strap around her neck, festooned with large, yellowed canines from some great predatory animal.
- Tucked into a large pocket at her side, the adventurers also find a curious cylinder of wood, perhaps six inches in diameter and a foot and-a half long. One quarter of the height has writing carved into it; those capable of understanding Faerie note that it is in that tongue, and those of a magical nature further note that the writings are magical. It will take a few hours study, most likely, to decipher what is written. The cylinder weighs one stone. It is a spellbook containing sleep, cause fear, and detect faerie lands.
- sword forged from some a dull, almost blue metal that is untouched by age or element.
- owlbear spellbook with Jump, Shield and Wall of Smoke. The pages are swollen with moisture and some of the ink is smeared. P'zev is savvy enough to realize that there exists a possibility that using the book to study might result in magical mishap, if care is not taken to transcribe the spell properly.
- Gauntlets of Ogre Power