Free Software
Free software on the Web related to gaming.
Character Generators
- ANATHEMA - A character generator for Exalted
- Byakhee - generate BRP System characters for Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green.
- DC Character Builder - for Mayfair's DC Heroes RPG.
- EdExalted - A character generator for Exalted
- EdX - character generator for Tri-Stat dX
- PCGen - D20 System character generator.
- Redblade 3.5e - freeware character generator & bare-bones die roller for D&D v3.5 & similar games
- Rolemaster character generator - java application for Rolemaster fantasy
- GURPS character sheet - freeware character generator for GURPS 4e. Java-Application
Mapping Software
- AutoREALM - freeware map creation program with expansions.
Other Useful Software
- Everchanging Book of Names - a random name generator for many cultures, real and otherwise.
- Hero Machine - generates pictures of RPG characters and NPCs.
- RPTools - Set of tools to play RPG's online, including Maptool, Dicetool, and Tokentool. Free, Java.
- TheDarkTools - campaign and character organizer for the original World of Darkness setting.