Emrys ap Gwilim

Personal Data
Glory: 3623
Titles: Reeve of Wilton (F6)
Born: 464
Age: 23
Son Number: 1
Home Province: Salisbury
Culture: Romano-British
Religion: Christian
Father: Sir Gwilim
Father's Class: Banneret Knight
Lord: Earl Roderick
Current Class Vassal Knight
Current Home: Newton
Shield Azure, a bend argent, with a difference
Betrothed: Lady Wyndda
SIZ | DEX | STR | CON | APP | Dmg | Heal | Move | HP | MW | Unc | KD | |
13 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 5d6 | 3 | 3 | 34 | 15 | 9 | 13 |
Distinquishing Features
Green eyes, curly black hair and a distinctive aquiline nose. Cheerful and usually smiling.
- Chaste 16/4 Lustful
- Energetic 16/4 Lazy
- Forgiving 16/4 Vengeful
- Generous 17/3 Selfish
- Honest 15/5 Deceitful
- Just 16/4 Arbitrary
- Merciful 16/4 Cruel
- Modest 16/4 Proud
- Pious 10/10 Worldly
- Prudent 13/7 Reckless
- Temperate 16/4 Indulgent
- Trusting 7/13 Suspicious
- Valorous 18/2 Cowardly
- Chivalric: Yes, +3 Armor
- Religious(Christian): Yes, +6 HP
Directed Traits
- Suspicious of Silchester +3
- 22 Amor(Wyndda)
- 22 Hate (Levcomagus)
- 20 Loyalty(Earl Roderick)
- 17 Love(Christ)
- 16 Loyalty(Order of the Grey Wolf)
- 16 Honor
- 15 Loyalty(Friends)
- 15 Love(Family)
- 15 Hospitality
- 12 Loyalty(Vassals)
- 7 Care(local commoners)
- Awareness (5) 10
- Boating (0)
- Chirurgery (5)
- Compose (0)
- Courtesy Use Law
- Dancing (2) 12
- Faerie Lore (2)
- Falconry (3)
- First Aid (8)
- Flirting (2)
- Folk Lore Use Law
- Gaming (2)
- Heraldry (5)
- Hunting (2)
- Industry (0)
- Intrigue Use Law
- Law (10) 20
- Orate (10) 14
- Play (harp) (2)
- Read(Latin) Use Well Read
- Recognize (2) 10
- Religion(Christian) Use Well Read
- Romance (6)
- Singing (2)
- Stewardship (2)
- Swimming (2)
- Tourney (2)
- Well Read (4) 11
- Battle (10) 15
- Siege (5)
- Horsemanship (10) 16
- Sword (10) 22
- Lance (10) 15
- Spear (2) 7
- Dagger (5)
Passion, Trait, and Skill checks
- Lance
- Romance
- Battle
- Sword
- Loyalty (Roderick)
Newton Manor
Improvements: "Ornamental Garden with British flowers" (3L) , and "Jousting list" (1L 120d). The garden area is a bit large as other improvements are planned as time goes on.
Income is 6 L, of which 4 is encumbered. 2 L for Emrys' upkeep and 2 L for his horses.
- a village with 500 commoners. Most income is from fishing, although there is a good bit of farm land in use.
- a small church, led by Brother Octavius.
- a mill run by Old Hob. Weak in one leg due to playing around the mill as a child. Hob is an illegitimate cousin of Emrys; one of grandfather's many additional children. Hob has been loyal to the family honor and Emrys has made it clear that Hob's work and residence are secure as long as the old man wants it.
- a communal bakery. Mistress Collwen runs the bakery and is married to Hob's middle son, Lylwyl.
- A small number of fishermen who bring in much of the local protein.
- a pack of dogs (for herding and hunting)
- a herd of about 20 horses
- a herd of cattle, a flock of sheep, a herd of pigs, a flock of chickens, a gaggle of geese and other animals.
- The manor house is surrounded by plowed fields, meadows (used for hay), pastures (used for grazing), and wastes (land not used for other purposes).
Reeve of Wilton town
To my loyal servant Sir Emrys of Newton, I appoint on merit to the office of Reeve of Wilton, responsible for the Earl's Trust and the King's Justice within its walls.
Appointment to the office of Reeve means you have to hold court there once per month at least and you are responsible for appointing the lesser officers (esquires) needed to fulfill this duty and if it becomes necessary and no other commander is sent by the Earl then you are required to command the garrison during a siege. The lesser officers you must assign are the watch sergeant and the porter. You also gain an allotment of 1L for yourself from the taxes. The sergeant and porter's upkeep is also paid from the taxes.
Chain mail and nasal helm (11 points)
Shield (6)
Sword, 4 spears, dagger
Moonlight (charger), 2 rounceys
War gear, court gear
Computed for Winter 486, ordinary living. 6 from Newton, 1 from Reeve, 2 From Uther, -4 upkeep, -1 to the Order's Beneficence fund, -1 Paying Aunt to Steward and 4s to cousin to Reeve.
16 L, 16 s, 30 d
Family Knights, Lineage Men, Levy
- (AM) Alive, Married
- (AU) Alive, Unmarried
- (DM) Dead, was Married
- (DN) Dead, Never married
Old Knights (1)
- Drych, Gwilim's paternal uncle (AM)
Middle aged knights (2)
- Elidir, Gwilim's younger brother(AM)
- Leddicus, Gwilims's illegitimate brother (AM)
Young knights (4)
- Fenwidd, first cousin on father's side(AU)
- Belesario, Emrys' younger brother(AU)
- Octavius, first cousin father's side(AU)
- Ambrosius, younger illegitimate brother(AU).
Lineage men 17
Levy 49
Paternal grandfather cause of death; Hunting accident
Paternal grandmother cause of death: Sickness
Maternal grandfather cause of death: In battle with foreign invaders
Maternal grandmother cause of death: Killed by raiders
Gwilim has three legitimate siblings, F(AM), F(AU), M(AM)
Mother has four siblings, F(DN-Preg difficulties), M(DM-Personal feud), F(AU), M(AM)
Emrys has six siblings, M(AU), F(AM), F(AU), F(DN-Sickness), F(AU), F(AU)
- Belisario: (age: -2) SIZ: 16 DEX: 14 STR: 16 CON: 13 APP: 14 (Squire to Sir Kent)
- Adelia (married to Sir Barrigan): (age: -3) SIZ: 9 DEX: 10 STR: 8 CON: 10 APP: 20
- Amra: (age: -4) SIZ: 6 DEX: 12 STR: 8 CON: 12 APP: 19
- Tanicia: (age: -5) SIZ: 11 DEX: 13 STR: 8 CON: 16 APP: 16
- Isatia: (age: -8) SIZ: 10 DEX: 11 STR: 9 CON: 13 APP: 20
Annual Glory
22 22 16 20 16 17
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18