Worlds in Peril the Leavening:White Veil
Codename: White Veil
Real Name: Patience Primrose
Working Towards: See Justice Done
Origin: I’m Back From The Dead
Nemesis: The Believer - Sister Rachel Rose, Exorcist and Hedge Magician
Attributes and Bonds
Maneuver | +2 |
Investigate | +1 |
Protect | -1 |
Influence | +1 |
Smash | -1 |
Bonds | 5 + team mates |
City | 1 |
Law Enforcement | 0 |
Crashed Alien ship | 1 |
My Grave Site | 3 |
Phenom The Girl with the Monkey | 1 |
Caliber He with the gun | 1 |
Powers: I'm A Ghost
Vulnerable to Magic, Unable to Enter Holy Ground
Simple (+1):
- Passing through and letting solid matter pass through me
- Fly
Difficult (+1):
- Possess Someone
- See Anther’s Sins
- Teleport by stepping though Limbo
- Wide Scale Structure Haunting
Impossible: Travelling to Heaven or Hell
Powers That are Assets: The Fripperies
A pair of matched Pistols called Ribbon and Bow
Origin : I'm Back From The Dead
Patience Primrose died some time ago, murdered, though unable to move on she ended up in a purgatory between heaven and hell, hoping one day that Justice would be done so that she could move on to whatever her ultimate reward would be.
The psychic/energetic weapons used by the Banthics did something to the veil between worlds, opening a hole that Patience was able to step through.
- I lost my past after coming back from the other side so I cope with it. If I can’t cope with it, I lose
control of myself by seeking out the guilty and speaking their sins
Drive : See Justice Done
Book opens when Book available to open when: You take on or reveal the trauma that makes you believe that evil can only be truly dealt with by stepping outside the law..
Questions to fill in during play:
- Something I had no idea about the world I live in is...
- I am not comfortable with...
- I draw the line at...
- I am most afraid of becoming...
- I aspire to become...
- The values I care most about are...
- A flaw that is holding me back is...
Book Moves
Been There, Done That: Whenever you head straight into danger without hedging your bets and end up having to make the Last Chance move as a result, roll 3d6 instead of 2d6 and discard the lowest die result.
From Beyond The Grave: Whenever your loss hinders or prevents you from accomplishing a task that brings you closer to getting back what you lost, cope with it right away. If you cannot, roll+Protect. On a 10+, you control the manner in which you lose control, say what happens. On a 7-9, you control the manner in which you lose control but the EIC will give you a complication to deal with as a result of it.
Seeing a ghost: Whenever you use your experience with death and the beyond to learn more about or intimidate someone for the first time, roll+Influence. On a 10+, ask 1. On a 7-9, ask 1, but you must tell them your answer to the question first to make them tell you theirs.
- What is your greatest fear?
- What is your greatest regret?
- What is your weakness?
- What is a secret you would never tell anyone else?