The World Tree/Daerum

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Daerum is currently the capitol and largest city of Ethir within the The World Tree campaign. Daerum is home to almost every notable race in the handbook, ranging from humans and elves to drow and genasi. With the recent cannibals attacks, Daerum struggles to keep business.

City Data and Demographics

Overall information

  • Population: Up to about 40,000
  • Government: A lord mayor presides, with several other nobles sharing responsibility for surrounding areas and government functions. The lord mayor oversees the city administration. An elected city council represents the middle class and hold less power than the lord mayor. Other religious groups and guilds serve as important power centers as well.

Defense: The city supports an army of professional soldiers, guards, and town watch. Each noble in residence maintains a small force of personal bodyguards. High walls surround Daerum in order to protect the inhabitants from the cannibals. Commerce: Almost any goods or services are readily available. Many inns and taverns support travelers. Organizations: A multitude of temples, guilds, and other organizations, some of which hold significant power in city affairs, can be found within the city's walls. Notable ones include the temple of Gielel (under head-priestess Besma Kava), the Blood Bound criminal organization, and the Daerum Wizards College.

Rich District


Located within the southern district outlined by Market Street and Broad Street, the Rich District supports the living quarters for the upper class. Nobles, poloticians, and the wealthy live far away from the squalor and filth of the other classes.

  • Attractions: several lounges and restaraunts, the Daerum Fountain, the Daerum Palace.
  • Famous For: the Daerum Palace.
  • Buildings: building materials range from marble and alabaster to sandstone and brass, many hold flags of their political position and are adorned with flowers, decorations, and the like.

Population Statistics

  • Guards: high
  • Locals: nobles and politicians
  • Crime: low
  • Major Races: humans and elves
  • Minor Races: half-elves, half-orcs, halflings, and dwarves
  • Major Influence: political figureheads and counselors to the palace.
  • Corruption: very high
  • Religious Influence: moderate
  • Major deity worshiped: Gielel

Mercantile District


Located within the western district outlined by Market Street and Broad Street, the Mercantile District supports the living quarters for merchants, artisans, and middle class. Although living quarters are not extravagant, few live in squalor here.

  • Attractions: market squares, unique merchandise, statue of the Ashen Warrior.
  • Famous For: trade.
  • Buildings: building materials are virtually identical, being built from sandstone or clay. Rooftops are terraced, with some growing gardens.

Population Statistics

  • Guards: average
  • Locals: middle class, merchants, nobles
  • Crime: moderate
  • Major Races: all civilized races
  • Major Influence: guards and law enforcement.
  • Corruption: low
  • Religious Influence: moderate
  • Major deity worshiped: Gielel

New North


Located within the northern district outlined by Daerum Street and Broad Street, New North supports the construction and expansion of housing for the city, as well as the only grass or trees in the surrounding area.

  • Attractions: Daerum Park
  • Famous For: "Evidence of Daerum expansion" -Ottar Graycastle, mayor of Daerum
  • Buildings: experimental conjured stone being used for construction, giving initiate casters a chance to practice. Roofing varies from thatch to brass, depending on materials available.

Population Statistics

  • Guards: very low
  • Locals: homeless seeking shelter
  • Crime: moderate
  • Major Races: halflings and humans
  • Minor Races: half-orcs
  • Major Influence: dwarven construction crews
  • Corruption: below average
  • Religious Influence: low

Old Town


Located within the southern district outlined by Broad Street, the Old Town supports the living quarters for the lower class. Thieves, criminals, and poor reside predominately within the former city walls of Daerum

  • Attractions: several taverns and dives, historic site of original Daerum.
  • Famous For: original city walls.
  • Buildings: building materials vary between clay and sandstone, with several buildings holding large cracks or chunks in the walls and foundations.

Population Statistics

  • Guards: low
  • Locals: criminals and homeless
  • Crime: extremely high
  • Major Races: humans, halflings, half-orcs, elves, drow
  • Minor Races: dwarves and half-elves
  • Major Influence: criminal organizations and law enforcement
  • Corruption: very high
  • Religious Influence: low

Noteable Locals

  • Ottar Graycastle: Mayor of Daerum for the past four years, Ottar is half-elf and a business man, doing whatever he can to have his name carved into history.
  • Babrak Thokk: Head of the town guard and close friend to Ottar. Babrak is a lawful good half-orc, but feels he is under appreciated for his work.
  • Eldon Fasthands: Also known as hands, Eldon is a rising initiate within the Blood Bounds criminal organization, but this halfling has other plans after becoming a member.
  • Besma Kava: Head-priestess of the Temple of Gielel, Besma is cunning and patient, even for an elf, and seeks to rule Daerum for another ideal.
  • Karavalia Amakir: Karavalia (or Kara) is headmaster of the Daerum Wizard College. Kara is neutral good and has been headmaster for 15 years, but is the youngest headmaster in the college's history. She is also the first drow to hold this position and has a drive to become more with her life.
  • Bobbir Jelenneth: Former headmaster and mentor to magic initiates at the college. Bobbir (often titled "Bob the Wizard") has been known to be a prankster, but disappeared 15 years ago. Many wonder if this is apart of an elaborate prank or if he joked with the wrong person.
  • Yarscrum Hobbles: Local dedicated bard at the Dented Helm, Yarscrum holds a terrible secret and a hidden life from his family.
  • Balthor Reginald: Overworked lieutenant of the guards in old town, Balthor is infuriated with the work he is required to do and will do anything for an extra gold piece.

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