Alastor the Ghost
Forlorn look
Dull Eyes
Had a confused death
Hot -1 Cold +1 Volatile -1 Dark +2
Unresolved Trauma
- Whenever you project the blame and trauma of your death onto your current situation, roll with Dark. On a 10 and up, give two people the blamed condition. On a 7-9, give up to two people the blamed condition, but for each, choose one:
- You gain the delusional condition,
- You can't speak during this scene,
- You suffer 1-harm,
- You start re-enacting the scene of your death.
- Whenever you lash our physically at someone with the blamed condition, roll using Dark. Add 1 extra harm to whatever harm you deal.
Amanda - 2
Brittany - 0
Vanessa - 1
Baron - 0
Alastor died in a hazing gone wrong; he was left dead in the woods by a pack of drunken jocks, who were then surprised when he turned back up in school the next day but assumed that the booze and the darkness made that fall he took look worse than it actually was.