Wessam Fakhoury
Wessam Fakhoury
Refresh: 5
Fate Points: 5
Character Picture:
High Concept: Protector of the old ways
An unknown publicly member of the Sha'ir; a society that strives over the centuries to protect Al-Jinn and their histories through their generally unspoken languages. Invoke or compel will probably be pretty identical, he will protect the Al-Jinn whether it is convenient or not.
Trouble: Insatiable curiosity
A lot of caution can be thrown to the wind without thought of the consequences when a new artifact is found that he can preserve, especially if it pertains to Al-Jinn, potentially threatening his long standing as a Sha'ir.
Aspect One: Word smith
A diligence to diction that goes beyond merely speaking, but a crafting of spoken dialogue, especially in retelling or depictions of events that would be considered fantastic from ages ago (He is exceptional at speaking from stories to public events at which he is the key note speaker to debates). Conversely, he may have a hard time speaking quickly if he is caught flat footed since he puts a lot into what he says (He may not speak when he should and damage his cause or endanger his life.). For further clarification, this will affect his use of the True Speech since the formation of a phrase is essential if its power is to be harnessed.)
Aspect Two: Curator of Egyptian History
He has access to many resources yet his job can call him at the most inopportune of times.
Aspect Three: Well connected
From the dives that he moonlights telling his stories accompanied with his lyre to dignitaries that respect his work in preserving artifacts and antiquities to the very Jinn he has sworn to protect. Often favors called upon will necessitate the return favor, which in the wrong time and place can be pretty life altering.
Superb (+5) Skill 1
Great (+4) Skill 2
Good (+3) Skill 3, Skill 4
Fair (+2) Skill 5, Skill 6, Skill 7
Average (+1) Skill 8, Skill 9, Skill 10, Skill 11
Physical O O O
Mental O O O
Mild [2]: _________________________
Moderate [4]: _________________________
Severe [6]: _______________________
Stunt Name: Stunt description.
Stunt Name: Stunt description.
Stunt Name: Stunt description.
Stunt Name: Stunt description.
Stunt Name: Stunt description.
(Change this to fit whatever is relevant for you character.)
Character History: