The Wilderlands of Absalom
- Caballi Warrior 1
- XP: 0 / 2425
- Alignment Neutral
- Henchman of Qutai
- STR 16 (+2)
- INT 13 (+1)
- WIS 16 (+2)
- DEX 16 (+2)
- CON 11 (0)
- CHA 6 (-1)
- General Proficiencies
- Adventuring, Riding, Survival
- Class Proficiencies
- Two-Handed Fighting (+1 to damage rolls)
- AC 8 (plate + dex)
- HP 7/7
- Movement Rate 90' explore / 30' combat
- Initiative Modifier +2
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: Greataxe -- 7+ for 1d10+4
- Primary Ranged Attack: Short Bow -- 8+ for 1d6+2
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis 15
- Poison & Death 14
- Blast & Breath 16
- Staves & Wands 16
- Spells 17
- Plate Armor
- Greataxe
- Short bow and 20 arrows
- Backpack
- Carved fetish of Imasa, the Windsteed
- An axe that, if wielded by Man would have to be held in two hands. It is exceedingly curious, made of what appears to be an incredibly dense, blackish wood; even the axe-head is wood, but it appears to be no less sharp than any of the magical blades currently possessed by the party. (Two-handed axe +1. Counts as three items instead of one stone. In addition, the wielder does not suffer the standard -1 penalty to initiative that comes from wielding a two-handed weapon.)