- Lost Tongue/Dark Speech: Because there's always a Lost Golden Age and yet for some reason its language always survives. In this case because it sounds dark and ominous so Bad Guys like to use it.
- Sun Tongue/Common: Used to be a religious language, but as the world got so cosmopolitan all the Folk started dropping their regional languages for the practical application of being able to talk to anyone anywhere.
- Elvish: Since elves live a long time they have a lot of stuck-up old-timers who refuse to use the "new-fangled slang". Some other Folk use it to sound suitably snobbish or poetic.
- Linear Script: An old writing system developed sometime between the Golden Age and modern times. No one really knows how to speak it, but it can still be read though it's of little value unless you need to translate old records or something.
- Beast Speech: Sounds like animal noises. Folk can learn to understand it, but rarely manage to speak it.
- Elemental: Elemental beings aren't terribly imaginative, so this is a simple and very old language.
- Fey: A very good language if you want to be tricky or just generally annoy the hell out of someone with how pretentious it is.
- Summoner's Tongue/Outer Speech: The language of Outsiders. Generally known by anyone who summons them because Outsiders are very snobbish.
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