The Wilderlands of Absalom
- Human Bladedancer 4
- XP: 10474/12,000
- Lawful
- Henchwoman of Rabanus
- Blade-Weaver
- STR 14 +1
- INT 16 +2
- WIS 12
- DEX 12
- CON 10
- CHA 17 +2
- Languages
- General Proficiencies
- Class Proficiencies
- Magical Music (Can effectively cast sleep or charm via singing.)
- Swashbuckling
- AC 6
- HP 14
- Movement Rate 120/40/120
- Initiative Modifier +1
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: Two-Handed Sword 7+, 1d10+2
- Secondary Melee Attack: Lance 8+, 2d10+2 on charge
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis 12
- Poison & Death 9
- Blast & Breath 15
- Staves & Wands 12
- Spells 14
- First Level: 2/day
- Command Word
- Cure Light Wounds
- Detect Evil
- Detect Magic
- Faerie Fire
- Fellowship
- Light
- Protection from Evil
- Remove Fear
- Resist Cold
- Second Level: 1/day
- Bless
- Charm Animal
- Find Traps
- Hold Person
- Holy Chant
- Resist Fire
- Silence 15' Radius
- Shimmer
- Speak with Animals
- Spiritual Weapon
Turn Undead
- Skeleton T+
- Zombie 4+
- Ghoul 7+
- Wight 10+
- Wraith 13+
- Mummy 16+
- Spectre 19+
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: 2s
- Gear: Holy Symbol, Backpack, Waterskin, 1x Standard Rations, Coin Purse, Armiger's clothes, high leather boots, fur-lined winter cloak
- Armor: Leather Armor of the Spider Whisperer +2. Wearer gains a +2 bonus to reaction rolls when encountering spiders, plus is unaffected by webs, whether magical or created by spells.
- Weapons: Two-Handed Sword +1
- Medium Warhorse
- Tack and Saddle, War
- Bedroll, Blanket, 1x Iron Rations, Lance