SSoS Ethece
Ethece, Son of Ethnathe (in progress)
- Barbarian 1
- XP: 0/2600 (+5% XP from Str and Con)
- Alignment Neutral
- PC
- No holdings
- Region: Ivory Coast
- STR 13 +1 (increased from 12 by lowering Wisdom to 13 from 15)
- INT 9
- WIS 13 +1
- DEX 14 +1
- CON 14 +1
- CHA 10
- Languages
- Common
- General Proficiencies
- Adventuring:The character is well-equipped for a life of adventure. He knows how to clean and sharpen weapons, saddle and ride a horse, set up a camp, and search for a secret door. He has a rough idea of the value of common coins, trade goods, gems, and jewelry. All player characters are assumed to have Adventuring for purposes of the proficiency throws of standard adventuring tasks.
- Class Proficiencies
- Combat Reflexes: True warriors never hesitate in combat. The character gains a +1 bonus on surprise rolls and initiative rolls. This bonus does not apply when casting spells.
- Class Abilities
- Base Melee damage is +1, increases by +1 at 3, 6, 9 and 12th level
- Natural Proficiency: Running (The character’s base movement speed is increased by 30' when wearing chainmail or lighter armor.)
- Animal Reflexes: +1 Bonus to Initative and Surprise Rolls (total of +3 to Initiative, +2 to Surprise Rolls)
- Naturally Stealthy: Opponents are -1 on Surprise Rolls
- Savage Resilience: Roll twice on Mortal Wounds table, subtract class level from days of bed rest for recovery
- AC 10
- HP 5
- Movement Rate 60
- Initiative Modifier +1
- Primary Melee Attack: / 1D6+4
- Primary Ranged Attack: / 1D6+1
- Saves: +1 to Saves against spells due to Wisdom
- Petrification & Paralysis 15+
- Poison & Death 14+
- Blast & Breath 16+
- Staves & Wands 16+
- Spells 17+
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance: 4+1+ (11/2)=7 Stone
- Short Sword (1 item, 7 GP)
- 5 Darts (1 item, 2 GP)
- Chain Mail (4 Stone, 40 GP)
- Shield (1 Stone, 10 GP)
- Low boots
- Backpack (1 Item, 2 GP)
- 50 Ft Rope (1 Item, 1 GP)
- Grappling Hook (1 Item, 25gp)
- 2 Weeks Iron Rations (2 items, 4 GP)
- Blanket (1 item, 2 GP)
- Crowbar (1 Item, 1 GP)
- 2 Waterskins (2 items, 12 sp)
14 GP, 8 SP