Star Wars Desperate Times

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Desperate Times is a Star Wars game using the FFG Edge of the Empire Rules-set

This is the wiki page for 'Desperate Times', a Play-by-Post that will be run on the PbP forum. I'm Waiwode, the GM. We're at barebones right now, but more will be added as things get rolling.

Player Characters

Note to players: When you enter your character's name, please edit the headers first. That will create a page with your character's name, instead of "SW DT Player X".

SW DT Player 1

SW DT Player 1

SW DT Player 2

SW DT Player 2

SW DT Player 3

SW DT Player 3

SW DT Player 4

SW DT Player 4

SW DT Player 5

SW DT Player 5

SW DT Player 6

SW DT Player 6