Star Wars Desperate Times
Desperate Times is a Star Wars game using the FFG Edge of the Empire Rules-set
This is the wiki page for 'Desperate Times', a Play-by-Post that will be run on the PbP forum. I'm Waiwode, the GM. We're at barebones right now, but more will be added as things get rolling.
Player Characters
Barsheeba Valens
Barsheeba Valens, Human Hired Gun/Mercenary, played by Muskrat
Ordamirku'rav'abrithon (Kurava) Chiss Smuggler/Gunslinger played by Markov
SW DT Player 3
SW DT Player 3
SW DT Player 4
SW DT Player 4
SW DT Player 5
SW DT Player 5
SW DT Player 6
SW DT Player 6
The Crawl
- Desperate Times
- The Clone Wars are over and the EMPIRE has
- risen from the ashes of the REPUBLIC. Now
- purges and arrests are sweeping up any who
- raise their voice against the new regime.
- Arrested and deported without trial, you
- find yourselves slaving in the Spice Desert
- of Nar Molub for a meagre daily ration.
- Life expectancy here is very short.
- Saboteurs have crippled the Spice Crawler,
- and confusion reigns in the night. Flight
- across the desert is a desperate ploy, but
- it may be your only hope...
Game Notes
Nar Molob
A forgotten and inhospitable planet in Hutt space, Nar Molub was an orbital refuelling station above a planet left alone until the recent discovery of Molub Spice. Molub Spice is a silicate compound found in the sand that, with the proper treatment, compares favourably to glitterdust, a Kessel Spice.