Long Baji

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Long Baji, Mandarin of the Sword

Long Baji is a PC in the Wealth Of The World PBP game.


"Know your enemy and know yourself, and you will triumph in all your battles."


Sex: Not enough

Player: Silent Wayfarer

Hair: Black (long braid)

Eyes: Brown

Skin: Light yellow

Age: 27

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 140 lbs

Distinct Features: Shaven head, long black braid.

Man At Arms 5, Berserker 1

Abilities Strength 10 (base 12, -2 Intelligent) +0 mod

Dexterity 16 (base 16) +3 mod

Constitution 14 (base 14) +2 mod

Intelligence 20 (base 17, +2 Intelligent, +1 level up) +5 mod

Wisdom 8 (base 8) -1 mod

Charisma 14 (base 14) +4 mod

Hit Points [(1d4+6) x 5] + (1d4+8) + (6 x 2) = 74

Reserve: 74

Wounds: None

Current HP: 74

Nonlethal: None

Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex +4 Imp Init)

Speed 30ft.


Reflex: +9 (base +6 Dex mod +3)

Fortitude +8 (base +6 Con mod +2)

Will: +5 (base +6 Wis mod -1)


Passive: None

Active: +5 Class bonus +3 Dex, +2 Overwhelming Presence

Armor Type: None (Barbarian class ability)

Armor DR: None (1d4)

Shield Type: None


BAB: +6/+1

Melee: +11/+6 (+13/+8 with falchion)

Ranged: +8/+3

Grapple: +11/+6


Masterwork falchion 1d8+7 18-20/x3

Bow 1d8 20/x3


Skill points: (6+5) x 8 + (4+5) = 97

Man At Arms Skill Groups: Agility, Perception, Social

Berserker Skill Group: Athletics

Speak Language 7 ranks (+5 Int mod)

Athletics Skill Group 9 ranks

- Climb +0 Str mod (+9)

- Jump +0 Str mod (+9)

- Swim +0 Str mod (+9)

Agility Skill Group 9 ranks

Balance +3 Dex mod +2 synergy (+14)

Escape Artist +3 Dex mod (+12)

Tumble +3 Dex mod +2 synergy (+14)

Perception Skill Group 9 ranks

Listen -1 Wis mod (+8)

Search +5 Int mod (+14)

Sense Motive -1 Wis mod (+8)

Spot -1 Wis mod (+8)

Disable Device 9 ranks +5 Int mod (+1)

Forgery 9 ranks +5 Int mod (+14)

Open Lock 9 ranks +3 Dex mod (+12)

Sleight of Hand 9 ranks +3 Dex mod +2 synergy (+14)

Hide 9 ranks +3 Dex mod (+12)

Move Silently 9 ranks +3 Dex mod (+12)

Social Skill Group 9 ranks

Bluff +2 Cha mod (+11)

Diplomacy +2 Cha mod +2 synergy +2 synergy (+15)

Gather Information +2 Cha mod (+11)

Intimidate +2 Cha mod +2 synergy (+13)

Traits and Class Abilities

Intelligent (+2 Intelligence -2 Strength)

Weapon Bond (Use Intelligence instead of Strength modifier with falchions for attack / damage)

All Feat Mastery 3

Wildcard Feat

Berserker DR (1d4)

Token Pools & Abilities

Fury Pool, maximum 11

Berserker Speed

Storm of Fury


Feat Mastery All 3

Cleave I

Cleave III

Improved Initiative

Power Attack I

Tactics of the Mind I

Weapon Focus (falchion) I

Wildcard Feat: Overwhelming Presence


Common + 12 other languages (you decide, RE)


Masterwork Falchion "Wandering Sky"

Load Weight


Light 33

Medium 34-36

Heavy 67-100

Overhead 134-200

Push or drag 335-500


Walk 3 miles/hr

Hustle 6 miles /hr

Run(x3) 9 miles /hr

Run(x4) 12 miles /hr