Auster ex Merinita

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Grimoire Laboratory History



Vital Statistics

  • Size: 0
  • Age: 26 (26)
  • Decrepitude: 0
  • Warping Score: 0
  • Confidence: 1 (3)
  • Sigil: When Auster cast spells they are accompanied by sudden weather effects (a gust of wind, a distant thunderclap, a sudden dampness in the air). This is beyond his control and never large enough to grab hold of through ReAu magic. Depending on the effect, this can be quite unnatural when indoors.
Characteristics Score
Int +3
Per +1
Pre +3
Com +3
Str -3
Sta +3
Dex -3
Qik -3
Personality Reputation
Generous +3
Reckless +3

Virtues and Flaws


Affinity With Creo (Minor, Hermetic), Affinity with Corpus (Minor, Hermetic), Book Learner (Minor, General), Educated (Minor, General), Faerie Blood (descendant of Mari) (Minor, Supernatural), Faerie Magic (Free [House], Hermetic), Flexible Formulaic Magic (Major, Hermetic), Hermetic Magus (Free, Social Status), Inventive Genius (Minor, Hermetic), Skilled Parens (Minor, Hermetic)


Faerie Heritage (Major, Story), Generous (Minor, Personality), Lame (Minor, General), Reckless (Minor, Personality), Unimaginative Learner (Minor, Hermetic), Vulnerable Magic (within Divine Influence) (Major, Hermetic)

Combat Stats

Weapons: Gauntlet Init -4, Atk +5, Def +1, Dam +3
Soak: +3
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)
Equipment: Wizardly Robes, Gauntlet
Encumbrance: 1 (1)


Name Speciality Score XP
Artes Liberales Ritual Casting 1 5
Awareness 2 15
Charm 2 15
Code of Hermes 1 5
Concentration 3 30
Faerie Lore 2 15
Folk Ken 2 15
Guile 2 15
Intrigue 1 5
Latin Hermetic usage 5 75
Magic Theory 3 30
Parma Magica 1 5
Penetration 1 5
Ride 1 5
Teaching 1 5



Art Score XP
Creo 10 37/55
Intelligo 5 15
Muto 1 1
Perdo 1 1
Rego 5 15
Animal 0 0
Aquam 0 0
Auram 8 36
Corpus 10 37/55
Herbam 5 15
Ignem 0 0
Imaginem 0 0
Mentem 7 28
Terram 0 0
Vim 5 15


