Absalom Hirelings
Party Attendants
The Business End of Things
- Mr. Hand (150 gp/month). Stationed in Rhea's Ford. 0-level man
- Rinath the Red-bearded (40 gp/month). Stationed in Hob and Pevin. 0-level man
- Brinas (100 gp/month). Stationed in Junction. 1st level venturer.
- Rent for office in Junction (300/month)
- Total Cost of 590 gp/month
Wolf Keep
- See Wolf Keep Construction Schedule for more details
- One animal trainer (horse): 50 gp/month
- One animal trainer (hippogriff): 200 gp/month
- Two Quartermasters (100 gp/month)
- Engineer (250 gp/month) Sigan Lauley IC 1540
- Land Surveyor (125 gp/month) Ferdcar Wen IC II 2255
- Cook, two journeymen and four apprentices (120 gp/month)
- Armorer, one journeymen and two apprentices (115 gp/month)
- Seven masters (40 gp/month, costing 280 gp/month)
- Fourteen journeymen (20 gp/month, costing 280 gp/month)
- Twenty-eight apprentices (10 gp/month, costing 280 gp/month)
- Thirty skilled laborers (6 gp/month, costing 180 gp/month)
- Thirty unskilled laborers (3 gp/month, costing 90 gp/month)
supplies for 124 men = 240 gp/month
Total Cost of 2,310/month
The Candle
- Engineer (250 gp/month) Nielja Nine-fingers
- Two Quartermaster (100 gp/month)
- One Armorer, two journeymen, four apprentices (155 gp/month)
- One Cook, two journeymen, four apprentices (120 gp/month)
- Five masters, 10 journeymen and 20 apprentices (600 gp/month)
- Three mason pyramids
- Two carpenter pyramids
- 30 skilled laborers (180 gp/month)
- 30 unskilled laborers (90 gp/month)
Total Cost of 1,495/month
Merchant Fleet
- Captain Ciaria (refer to IC 924). 100 gp/month. Captain of The Viator
- Captain Nielen. 100 gp/month. Captain of The Meteor II.
- Captain Bertni. 100 gp/month. Captain of Nematode
- Captain Thowald. 100 gp/month. Captain of Whippoorwill
- Captain xxx. 100 gp/month. Captain of the Skipjack
- Captain xxx. 100 gp/month. Captain of the Zephyr
Each boat has the following crew:
- 2 sailors (12 gp/month)
- 4 rowers (12 gp/month)
- 5 slingers (30 gp/month)
Total cost to run boats: 924 gp/month