Aguilar Raakinen, Weapon Specialist
Base Mod Eq Ttl CB Advances
Weapon Skill 30 -- -- 30 03 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Wounds 12
Ballistic Skill 45 -- -- 45 04 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Fate 1
Strength 30 -- -- 30 03 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Insanity 0
Toughness 30 -- -- 30 03 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Corruption 0
Agility 40 -- -- 40 04 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
Intelligence 25 -- -- 25 02 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Carry Lift Push
Perception 40 -- -- 40 04 [ ][ ][ ][ ] 36kg 72kg 144kg
Willpower 30 -- -- 30 03 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Walk Full Charge Run
Fellowship 23 -- -- 23 02 [ ][ ][ ][ ] 4 8 12 24
(AGI,GEN)Acrobatics [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(STR,GEN)Athletics [X][ ][ ][ ]
(PER,FLD)Awareness [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(FEL,SOC)Charm [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(FEL,LDR)Command [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(INT,KNW)Commerce [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(FEL,SOC)Deceive [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(AGI,DEF)Dodge [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(FEL,SOC)Inquiry [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(WIL,SOC)Interrogation [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(STR,SOC)Intimidate [ ][ ][ ][ ]
- High Gothic [X][ ][ ][ ]
- Low Gothic [X][ ][ ][ ]
(INT,KNW)Logic [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(INT,KNW)Lore, Common*
- Imperial Guard [X][X][ ][ ]
- Imperium [X][ ][ ][ ]
- War [X][X][ ][ ]
(INT,KNW)Lore, Forbidden*
(INT,KNW)Lore, Scholastic*
(INT,FLD)Medicae [ ][ ][ ][ ]
- Surface [X][X][ ][ ]
(W S,DEF)Parry [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(PER,PSY)Psyniscience [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(PER,GEN)Scrutiny [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(INT,TCH)Security [X][ ][ ][ ]
(AGI,FLD)Sleight of Hand [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(AGI,FLD)Stealth [X][ ][ ][ ]
(PER,FLD)Survival [X][ ][ ][ ]
(INT,TCH)Tech-Use [X][ ][ ][ ]
- Technomat [X][ ][ ][ ]
(PER,FLD)Blind Fighting halve melee penalties from obscured vision
(B S,FIN)Deadeye Shot ranged Called Shot penalty is reduced by 10
(B S,OFF)Lasgun Barrage while stationary; +1 success when firing las weapon on Full or Semi Auto
(B S,GEN)Lasgun Volley when attacking with a las weapon; +1 damage per Comrade taking part in a Ranged Volley order issued by this character
(B S,GEN)Las Weapon Expertise -5 Dodge per success beyond the first (max -30)
(PER,FLD)Paranoia +2 Initiative, GM may test Perception vs hidden threats
(TGH,DEF)Resistance (Fear) +10 tests vs subject
(AGI,FLD)Sprint +AgiB to Full Move, 1 Fatigue if used two consecutive turns; double Run movement
(INT,TCH)Technical Knock once per round; Half action Unjam
(WIL,DEF)Unshakeable Faith reroll failed Wil tests vs Fear
(GEN,FIN)Weapon Training (Bolt, Las, Low-Tech) negate -20 penalty for use
Infiltrator may roll Stealth at –10 penalty to let another character within 10 metres use their Agility characteristic
Sapper +10 bonus to Tech-Use and Trade (Technomat) Tests to construct or disassemble a structure
Condemned –20 all Fellowship-based Tests vs other Imperial Guard regiments, commanding officers, Departmento Munitorum, other officials aware of their reputation
Specialist Kit
1 GC Hotshot Laspistol (Targeter)
4 Krak Grenades
Standard Kit
1 Las Carbine(Main Weapon), 4 charge packs
1 Lascutter
2 Frag Grenades
2 Smoke Grenades
1 Knife
1 Flak Vest & Helmet
1 Uniform
1 Poor Weather Gear
1 Rucksack
1 Basic Toolkit
1 Mess Kit & Water Canteen
1 Sleep Bag & Blanket
1 Lamp Pack
1 Grooming Kit
1 Cognomen Tags
1 Uplifting Infantry Primer
2 Weeks' Rations
1 Demolition Charge
1 Grapnel & Line
1 Filtration Plugs
Weapon Skill
Ballistic Skill
200 Lasgun Volley
300 Las Weapon Expertise
100 Survival +00