The Wilderlands of Absalom
- Human Assassin 5
- XP:23,158/28,000
- Lawful
- Henchman of Rabanus the Raffish
- Destroyer
- STR 13 (+1)
- INT 14 (+1)
- WIS 11
- DEX 13 (+1)
- CON 11
- CHA 9
- Languages
- General Proficiencies
- Adventuring
- Disguisex2 7+ throw to look like someone specific, 10+ to fool someone intimately familiar with that person.
- Mimicry 11+ to imitate animal calls. Can also imitate foreign accents.
- Riding
- Class Proficiencies
- Combat Trickery: Incapacitate (Reduce penalty by 2, -2 to save)
- Skirmishing (May withdraw from melee combat without declaring first)
- Bracers of Archery
- Precise Shot x2 (May fire at opponents in melee at only -2 to hit)
- Weapon Focus (Bows/Crossbows) (Double Damage on a natural 20)
- Fighting Style: Missile Weapons (+1 to hit)
Class Abilities
- +2 Damage
- x3 Backstab
- Move Silently 13+
- Hide in Shadows 15+
- AC 5
- HP 20
- Movement Rate 120
- Init: +1
- Surprise: +
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: Two-Handed Sword+1 5+ 1d10+4
- Primary Ranged Attack: Bow 5+ 1d6+3.
- Saves:
- Petrification/Paralysis: 12
- Poison/Death: 11
- Blast/Breath: 13
- Staves/Wands: 13
- Spells: 14
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: 0
- Magic items: Bracers of Archery, Rope of Climbing
- Gear: Backpack, Waterskin, Tinderbox, Blanket, 1 wk iron rations, coin purse
- Armor: Leather +2 (0s)
- Weapons: Two-Handed Sword +1, Masterwork Composite Bow non-magical +1/+1 (20) (3t)
- Beast:
- Nyx: Medium Warhorse, military tack & saddle, 2x saddlebags