DRYH: Ashes of Gods - Character Generation

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The world was just the world. Until you were bitten. Until you were turned. Now the world is a place of nightmare. And that nightmare is drawing you in. Changing you. Corrupting you. Devouring you.

Five Questions

  • WHAT WERE YOU DOING WHEN THE WORLD ENDED? Who were you and what did you do when civilization still held sway? What did you lose? What did you gain?
  • WHAT DO YOU STILL CLING TO? What do you still care about whether you want to or not? What do you desperately want to touch again, even if it's probably gone forever?
  • WHAT'S ON THE SURFACE? When people look at you what do they see? What mask do you show the world so they don't guess what you really are?
  • WHAT LIES BENEATH? When people look at you what DON'T they see? What lives under the mask? What do you struggle to control that struggles right back against you to get out?
  • WHAT IS YOUR PATH? Where are you headed? What do you want? What do you need? What will you do to get it?

Set Discipline

  • All characters begin play with 3 Control Dice

Set Responses

  • All characters can cycle through three Rage responses, primal survival instincts that ride them when their Beast is dominant. All characters begin with no Rage responses checked.

Set Blood Knacks

  • All characters start with 2 Knacks, things they are exceptionally good at. Knacks must be within the realm of human possibility. Driving, Fighting, Running, Computers, Mental Calculations. A knack can be anything, really, so long as it is humanly possible. Just when you do it it is at the outside edge of probably. People can still put it down to natural talent, but they can see the supernatural in the background if they dare to look.

Whenever a character Crashes they earn a new Knack to add to their total.

Set Beast Edge

  • All characters begin with a single Edge. An Edge is an ability that goes beyond human possibility. Edges can't be explained within the framework of human experience. Edges represent the impossible. Teleportation, Shapeshifting, Summoning, etc.

Whenever a character snaps they gain a new Edge.