Midnight Character Creation

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Character Creation Basic REQUIREMENTS

  • Use the D&D 3.5 Player Handbook for basics
    • Choose your Race, Class, and Heroic Path.
    • Build your Ability Scores (points below), choose your feats, and spend your skill points.
    • Choose your equipment and weapons (see below)
    • Visit the Midnight PRE-GAME Character Background page to answer the questions and other pre-game fun (this is optional)
    • Create a cool background for your hero, this doesn't have to be super long. Just enough to give good ideas.
  • You may find the System Resource Documents (SRD) that are online helpful.
    • MIDNIGHT SRD: A fan created site called Darkness Falls, it isnot complete with all the Midnight sourcebooks but it's very useful for the basics.
    • D&D 3.5 SRD: "How to..." on character creation for D&D 3.5 characters are not Open Game Content, however much of the content information is and can be found here.

How to build your ABILITY SCORES

You have a BASE of 24 Points to spend when buying your ability scores.
If you complete (or promise to complete) the following pre-game items FOUND HERE you will have a total of 29 Points to spend.
These scores are purchased BEFORE you apply any racial or other bonuses.

9 1
10 2
11 3
12 4
13 5
14 6
15 8
16 10
17 13
18 16


Your hero will get to levels of Languages for FREE to begin the game. If your hero already gets levels of these languages you should upgrade that language, if possible, or if it is already at "Fluent" you may ask to have a different language choice for free. I will need to approve your choice. Your hero gets:

  • Erenlander (1) - that's one level, aka. Pidgin.
  • Orc (1) - that's one level, aka. Pidgin.

How to deal with Starting EQUIPEMENT

Midnight: the SHADOW KILLERS