G-Men Investigator Matrix

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G-Men vs. the Unknown! Investigator Matrix

Basic Stats

Stat Markham Winstead Herbert
Drive Ennui Duty Duty
Occupation Dilletante Fed Doctor
Health 8 10 8
Sanity 9 8 10
Pillar I Family nobility Baptist faith Hippocratic Oath
Pillar II Noblesse Oblige Patriotism Scientific Progress
Pillar III Beauty is morality -- Patriotism
Stability 9 8 10
Source I Roommate T.C. Rev. Parsimony Dr. Morrison
Source II Sister Eloise Winifred W. Rebecca Vellman
Source III M. Verniere -- Ramsey Vellman
Contact I Ed Hooper -- --
Contact II -- -- --
Contact III -- -- --

Academic Abilities

Academic Skills and Who Has Them
Stat Markham Winstead Herbert
Accounting -- 1 --
Anthropology -- -- --
Archaeology 1 -- --
Architecture -- -- --
Art History 1 -- --
Biology -- -- 3
Cthulhu Mythos -- -- --
Cryptography -- -- --
Geology -- -- --
History -- -- --
Languages Latin, French -- Greek, Latin
Law 1 2 1
Library Use -- 1 3
Medicine -- -- 3
Occult -- -- --
Physics -- -- --
Theology -- -- --

Interpersonal Abilities

Interpersonal Skills and Who Has Them
Stat Markham Winstead Herbert
Assess Honesty 2 3 2
Bargain 1 -- --
Bureaucracy -- 1 1
Cop Talk 1 3 1
Credit Rating 7 4 5
Flattery 2 -- --
Interrogation -- 3 --
Intimidation -- 4 --
Oral History 1 -- --
Reassurance 2 -- 2
Streetwise 1 2 --

Technical Abilities

Investigative Skills and Who Has Them
Stat Markham Winstead Herbert
Art -- -- --
Astronomy -- -- --
Chemistry -- -- --
Craft -- -- --
Evidence Collection -- 2 2
Forensics -- 1 3
Locksmith -- 2 --
Outdoorsman -- -- --
Pharmacy -- -- 3
Photography -- -- --

Note: Markham has 3 unspent points left

General Abilities

General Abilities and who has them
Stat Markham Winstead Herbert
Athletics 8 8 --
Conceal -- -- --
Disguise* -- -- --
Driving 6 6 --
Electrical Repair* -- -- --
Explosives* -- -- --
Filch -- -- --
Firearms -- 12 --
First Aid 4 -- --
Fleeing 4 -- --
Health 8 -- --
Hypnosis -- -- --
Mechanical Repair* -- -- --
Piloting -- -- --
Preparedness 4 6 --
Psychoanalysis -- -- --
Riding 2 -- --
Sanity 9 -- --
Scuffling 6 8 --
Sense Trouble 8 10 --
Shadowing 4 8 --
Stability 9 8 --
Stealth 4 -- --
Weapons 8 -- --
  • Can be used as an Investigative Ability in some circumstances.

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