Shadows of the Dark Side/Minor Factions

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Minor Factions

Symbol Name Leader Type Description
Black Sun-01.png
Black Sun Durga the Hutt Criminal syndicate Originally controlled by Falleen noblemen, Black Sun fell victim to Imperial court intrigues in the months leading up to the Battle of Endor, and under Durga the Hutt is being gradually absorbed into the Besadii cartel.
Corporate Sector Independent sector An Outer Rim sector near Zsinj's territoy, jointly governed by several transtellar corporations through the Corporate Sector Authority, you can find or do anything here... as long as you have the credits.
Crimson Dawn-01.png
Crimson Dawn Qi'ra Criminal syndicate
Hapes Cluster The Home Queens Independent sector
Karrde Traders Talon Karrde Criminal syndicate



Qi'ra is a beautiful and sophisticated woman with a gentle demeanor; to loyal subordinates and allies the appearance is real enough, but those who take it for weakness quickly discover that her apparent gentleness hides an underlying amoral ruthlessness. More than one would-be usurper has paid with their lives after letting their guard down at a crucial moment. Under Qi'ra's leadership, Crimson Dawn has extended its tendrils into all facets of the galactic underworld, from smuggling to slaving to piracy.

Talon Karrde