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Revision as of 01:32, 13 October 2006 by Acwhite (talk | contribs) (Enemies)
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Friends / Contacts

  • Valendil
  • Walden Mikhail
  • Marena Suzerain


  • Talûn-karkû, the white worm

Captain in command of Durgaz’s regiment, an ambitious Orc who never reported Durgaz’s treachery to his superiors because he feared it would reflect badly on his leadership abilities. On a personal level, however, considers the incident a stain on an otherwise perfect military record and would love to see Durgaz found and made an example of.

  • Radagug, the dog

Durgaz’s older brother (he has 4 brothers, and 5 half-brothers) by blood. Harbored a great deal of jealousy toward his younger brother, due to Durgaz’s superior ability and skill with arms. When Durgaz deserted, Talûn-karkû assigned him to his brother’s position, but made no secret of the disdain he felt for any and all of the traitor’s family.

  • Ivor Adhbain

Durgaz slaughtered his family two years ago. Ivor himself lost his right arm at the shoulder and was left for dead among the corpses of his friends and family. He has since become an active agent for those opposing the Shadow in [some local village]. Whether he would be able to distinguish Durgaz from any other orc … well, that depends on how well he remembers the night he lost everything and his life changed forever.


  • Durgaz's Campsite


  • Dafrum-Dâgalûr
  • The Azog-Hai

possible Covenant Items

  • ???


These questions will aid in creating ideas and stories that cater to your hero. It will also help flesh out your hero. You are welcome to create addional background questions. But these short answers are all that's necessary here.

Describe what your hero's glorious death might be

Describe what your hero's worst fated death at the hands of [the ENEMY] might be

What is the worst thing [the Shadow] could do to your hero? (this could include things done to loved ones)

Describe a victory that your hero would like to have against [the Shadow]

What action would your hero never do? (meaning type of action "like burn a village down", NOT a general idea like "give in to the shadow")

What would cause your hero to break down to sadness or fear?

What do you hope your heroe's honorific would be? (An honorific is a word or expression that conveys esteem or respect and is used in addressing or referring to a person. Honorifics are usually placed immediately before or after the name of the subject. e.g. Thok the Orc Masher!)

What would it take for your hero to turn traitor? (these can result from bribe or blackmail)

PLAYER: What's your favorite monster or NPCs to fight?!!

PLAYER: What do you most enjoy about RPGs & D&D? (meaning battling monsters, solving puzzles, political roleplaying, etc..?)

Midnight: the SHADOW KILLERS